
Redwall movie first, please!

Couple this all with the fact that Christopher Lambert was near-sighted and had to wield an actual sword during filming, I’m surprised no one actually lost their head!

That is actually kind of pretty in its own “alien” way. Shame we have no one working on a solution (as far as I know) to countering the algae bloom issue. :(

I’m really “Meh” on this casting choice, partially because I saw Kellan Lutz’ “Hercules” in The Legend of Hercules movie he did in the same year The Rock’s Hercules movie was released. He just didn’t have the charisma, in my opinion, possibly due to the kind of roles he’s had at this point in his career. I don’t think

What about this fella here? From the ‘93 movie, Man’s Best Friend!

Probably one of the best/worst parts from FMA, quite possibly in all anime. :(

True story: A good buddy of mine got out of the Marines, got married, moved into a lovely new home and invited me to come visit him. His little sister (actually an adopted cousin), at the time was 6 years old and was just the cutest little thing.

Both of those look awesome, but is it me or does it look like the the cars are melting downwards over time/each new model? Pretty soon it’ll be a shiny puddle...

I always used to look out the window and think “Hey, that thing looks like a UFO all on its own!”, really awesome architecture though. :D

As long as the subsequent DVD/Blu-Ray boxes come in Tetris-piece shapes which can be fitted together! I’ll allow this. :o

Ah, you mean the buckets filled with water which are summarily then poured over our rag-covered faces, while tied upside down to a plank/table?

Saint Jean de Matha is also a really beautiful location! I visited there for camping near Lac Noir once, it was quite memorable. Quebec has some really amazing scenery in general, as does most of Canada! :D

Congratulations on your new job position! Will this new promotion cause ripples throughout space-time and affect our post-apocalyptic Postman?

My mother is a JW, and this is a topic that has come up several times in our lives when my mother has been hospitalized. Recently I was told that blood stored from their own body can be used, but blood donated from other people cannot - which is a stance change, because it used to be that no blood transfusions were

Awesome! So I’m wondering which will happen first? Avatar 2 - 5 releases in theaters or WW3 finally occurs and the rest of the world becomes a post-apocalyptic hodgepodge of pretty young teens vying for survival across the planet.

Don’t worry folks, I’ve got a foolproof plan to halt the Crab invasion of 2016! Someone bring a flamethrower (or a dozen) and I’ll bring the spice!

So ultimately what the Japanese folk may come across will be Hogzilla!

I’m like:

Aww lookit at her! She’s a little stretch-bulldog! I want one now. :(

Fizzgig approves!