
Sounds quite similar to the bloodworms from Blade of the Immortal manga series! Although these are maggots but nevermind that! Now I want a live-action Blade of the Immortal movie. :(

Thank you all for the tip on PVE Elites not respawning upon killing them and their lackies! I’m having quite a bit of fun in-game regardless, however the only thing which bugs me is the lack of a trade feature.

Anyone have an idea about the IBM experiment regarding this very subject years back?

Another commenter has mentioned this either in this article or the previous trailer-presenting article but the one thing that does stand out for me (and not quite in a good way) is the obvious lack of horror elements.

Haven’t been to those, I was in Quebec mostly but I can say that there were some amazing local pizza chains too that were awesome. Poutine Pizza sounds pretty awesome though! :D

The ghosts do look amazing in this one, but nothing beats the original Ghostbusters’ Librarian ghost! That one still without fault creeps me out to this day! :D

Chilli cheese fries are quite good, but poutine comes in different variety which food chains ought to take notice in the U.S., because they sell well! For now, I’m content just making it at home.

Canada’s Pizza Hut and Dominos both are miles better than the U.S. chains and I can’t figure out why! Even the Subways there was better. That means food is just better in Canada in general. Still waiting on poutine to blow up in the States!

Sadly we’ll find out that the catchprase “It’s Morphin’ Time!” came from Red Ranger’s older brother before he’d beat young Red Ranger senseless. :’(

I know this movie is bad, but I still want to watch it because it looks like a live-action adaptation of some sort of Japanese anime/manga. Also Gerard Butler’s actually a fairly good actor, probably just hasn’t had his shining moment yet. Also when The Shining movie does get rebooted, I hope they cast Gerard Butler

Apples and oranges, buddy.

Most knew I was referring to Titanium in the context of it being the manufactured product. Note the article itself isn’t referring to the usage of Titanium as an element.

I think you’re confusing my context of “Titanium” as the manufactured product and not the element. :)

Lies! Humans created the entire elemental table! None existed until we added it to the chart! >:D

Titanium can start to pit and form crevasses when exposed to saltwater (sea water) and temperatures above 110C/230F, but outside of that combination, it boasts very high corrosion resistance!

GDT, you’re an awesome man but I swear if you don’t complete at least one project in that Christmas list of projects you keep folded in your shirt pocket, I will be forced to find you.

True, we’re a fading breed. A lot of my friends that were into anime, no longer are, very few still watch a series now and then. Also, Megumi Hayashibara had some great songs back in the day too!

That is really cool! Thank you for sharing that tidbit with us! Also your brother has an awesome resume, I’ll bet, just from those two movies alone. :D

Crappy-goddamn-imagery :(

Clearly this is a snapshot of the battle from the Gurren Lagan anime, of two galactic-sized mechas dueling one another and flinging galaxies like frisbees! As you would, of course. :)