
Why didn’t this comment get more stars? :(

Opening up doors on both sides of the vehicle an’ climbing into the backseat (if your vehicle had one) to pump gas via an open window was also my most memorable thing to do during that time. Looking back on it, it seems so silly, but the things people did were starting to become routine for that while. :(

I’ve not! But if I have, certainly my other self was clearly unaware of this coincidental post! Excuse me while I prepare to hunt down my doppelgangers.

I live in the Maryland part of the area where some of those shootings occurred (and dangerously close to where James Martin was killed) but what made it worse was when the news started saying the sniper was driving an unmarked white van. I literally lived a block away from a recreational center that was full of white

lol, I also prefer:

Uber: “Your final destination begins with us.”

I experienced exactly that sort of landin’ back in 2001 while on a Southwest flight from Seattle to Baltimore! I knew the pilot had to have been ex-military, but I respect all pilots of all flying crafts. The tremendous of amount of skill required is amazing.

There’s nothing as exhilarating as having to perform the 3-point turnaround as part of your driver’s license examination while a raging tsunami wave comes your way! :D

I wonder what they change the swear word to when it plays on TV (non-cable?)

While I do like the original two Predator movies, Predators, just knocked it out of the park. For once we have not one - but several - people who act as a cohesive unit in pitting human intelligence against the Predator’s hunting ability.

I saw the Otter boy one and immediately thought “Oh look! A horrific realistic take on Po, the red Teletubby!” and now I’m simultaneously ashamed and horrified. :’(

Your comment made me LOL so hard my dog got scared and ran off to another room. :D

VOLTRON!! I can’t wait for this one. That it’s on Netflix too gives me great hope for this series’ resurgence. :D

It better be called the Cocks of the Commonwealth Kit (C.O.C.K.), because punny! :D

If that means I’ll be able to get my hands on a Falcon, well...then I’m votin’ for Trump! >:D

Seems like he’s an addition to the rest of the cast! :D

Aw dang, leave Frequency alone! That was a great movie by itself.

Someone call Chris Evans, make sure he’s not on that train. :(

Dat Spanish translation, tho.

That is a really beautiful looking find! I’ve been looking for one of these for a while, but so far no such luck. :(