
This is pretty awesome aesthetically-speaking, however, my concern would be the visibility through that helmet’s visor. To me, it just seems like it’d affect a soldier’s situational awareness. Maybe a better integrated camera could provide better visual feedback within the visor? I dunno.

Liberty Prime’s appearance is hands-down the best part of this entire video. It saying, “Democracy is non-negotiable,” while wielding nuclear grenades, is far too epic. :D

Why in the ever-loving-green Hell would anyone drive a supercar in D.C.?! That’s the equivalent of taking your Bentley offroading over rocky terrain! Just why?

It was definitely cheesy 80's fun as you say! If you must watch it, do watch it for Frank Langella’s portrayal of Skeletor. Hands down the best translation of a character from cartoon to live-action. His acting is what makes it all watchable. :D

The old man from the sea finally got his justice that day.

I sincerely hope that someone “leaks” Dave’s picture so that someone else may casually ask him if he’d like to have sex with their fist. To his face. Repeatedly.

LOL Patricia, please please never leave us.

I get the same sort of deal from folks that’ll come up to me and say “Hey, how do you say [word] in Indian?” and then I end up feeling like the A-hole when I say “Um...Indian isn’t a language,” and their reaction is feel offended.

Sure, five mouths now....but wait till they evolve!

I caught this movie in theaters, during the opening week and the 3D was amazing. It truly felt like an experience, which 3D is supposed to be when done properly. I realize that has to do with the 3D camera technology that was invented specifically for such a thing, but wow, it really knocked the visuals out of the

Aw man, ya saved her life. You have no idea. :D

Macklemore. HA! This is gold. It does kinda look like he just got back from a thrift shop too with that coat. :D

Didn’t even know Project64 had an update! Now I can get back to punishing myself with Superman 64. :(

While this isn’t ejecting nuclear emissions which are harmful, I felt this image was the automotive variant (no this isn’t a VW joke!):

This is a general question - albeit a personal one as well - for someone that has small hands (Somehow, my sister an’ I have the same hands, while my brother has my father’s hands :/), which handgun would you recommend as a personal firearm?

This is immensely unfortunate, especially as we near Christmas and a new year. Olivia Jackson is an amazing stunt woman, her IMDB page is nothing short of impressive when you realize which stunt she performed.

Tim Curry’s character is all the reason to watch this movie. Ever!

J.J. Abrams has always been more of a Star Wars fan than a Star Trek one, which now I think will clearly be seen when viewing the Star Trek movies versus this Star Wars.

Good points, thanks for the tips! The Dawnguard DLC made Vampires seem fun to play at last, I might just try it for fun. What’s the worse that could happen? Besides Murphy’s Law. :D