
The Queen of England too. Just sayin’... :D

Beware of boulders. No seriously, beware of boulders.

Zone of the Cleaners.

I’m curious about catching either vampirism or lycanthropy to see if it’ll help with the squishiness. I haven’t gotten past the Companions’ initiation quest (sparring with Vilkas), and playing an archer with eventual investments into Illusion and Alteration, I’m not sure how well I’ll do there.

I love the way you think! Remind me to not get on your bad side. :D

I’m also replaying Skyrim and your points on archery is so true! I’ve been playing on Legendary difficulty however and it’s insanely tough as an archer. Light armor is like wearing nothing at all against even the “weakest” of animals such as Skeevers.

I’m already seeing shades of Lord of the Flies going on between io9’ers and Gizmodoans (?).

Need one of those big ol’ Mechs from Pacific Rim!

Depends on which province you’ll choose. The big hurdle (if indeed this is one for you) is if you choose Quebec you will need to learn French and have a moderate reading/writing ability within the language in order to work there.

That...sounds really good actually! Now I have to try it. Thank you for that info! :D

I’d be glad to finish off the rest of my JD Tennessee Honey, because whiskey and honey is the perfect liquor analogue to this level of sentencing. Sweet justice with a righteous burn.

Now playing

So...I’m a grown man and when I saw the clip on YT which I’ll post below, I was sold. Sorry kids!, but I’m gonna be throwing y’all aside in line to get tickets.

I see your point, and I do agree with you on playing in release order. I guess I was more focused on following through Solid Snake’s story, by playing the games he’s in for the sake of continuity.

I’m still not entirely convinced Raiden had to go the whole full-body Cyborg route from MGS 2 to MGS 4. It’d have been equally as badass had he turned out to have become a deadly fighter a la Solid Snake while still in a normal body.

The great thing about the MGS series is the entire buildup towards the big reveal in MGS 4. Until MGS 4, the story is fairly jumbled. I won’t say it’s convoluted, but it has some philosophical ideas which are explored and that in itself creates the confusion many people describe.

I was more stoked just to see the characters bought to life. You’re right about the movie not having Eternia, even a brief shot of the world would’ve probably helped the movie do better at the box office.


Still have this on VHS along with the Batman (1966) movie! A 2-for-1 special. :D

From what I’ve played of Fallout 4, the dialogue has taken the biggest hit from all the previous Bethesda Fallout games.

I knew he did the voices only because of the disclaimer that’s said at the start of the show, but I didn’t know he did ALL the voices!