
Same. At least we haven’t broke 100 where I’m at yet. 99 lots of times, but so long as we stay sub 108-110 I won’t die walking from my parking lot at work to the building :)

I think it’s also important to remember that not all Greek letter organizations are frats and sororities by the standard most people think of. KDP or Kappa Delta Pi which I’m a member of, is a society for Scholars and Educators spanning 90 countries with over 625 chapters world wide. We broke from Phi Delta Kappa over

The best way to remember lay vs lie is that people Lie, things Lay. So yea, the cat is laying down. You would lie down.

The video is just a black screen with a progression bar for me. I desire chubby cat video :(

I teach at the university level and it’s swapped here, likely due to the quantity of female instructors as opposed to males. M/W/F are standard days for most of the staff to take long lunches or call it an early day and go for drinks if they have no more classes that afternoon. So while we technically have office

Arizona has it’s moments as well :) But that said, I live and teach in Texas. So while I don’t defend our state government I do feel it’s important to remind people there’s a lot of not-crazy here as well. All of our big cities are staunchly blue and the state itself is generally a purple state vote wise, just not

Once upon a time in a different life I took a improv. acting class and I’ve found it extremely useful at functions/fundraisers/weddings etc.

The one thing that is the main take-away is how to setup your partner-actor. You don’t walk into the situation and attempt to interject your own views until you know you’re

My parents are from old world Europe where there’s a mindset that anything ice cold is bad for your health, so it was never allowed as a kid. Even today as an adult I drink very few things ice cold just out of habit. Beer is better only slightly chilled as is wine and a plethora of other foods, so I just got used it

This guy is fantastic, I think he legitimately isn’t trolling either. Working in academia I come across a lot of young people who simply haven’t been exposed to certain thought processes or topics, but this guy is all over the place. I might screen shot/blur names and use this as part of a power point :D

The amount of generalization and reaching you’re doing here to connect dots is amazing. It’s really a fine feat of mental gymnastics, it’s stunning to watch. I, as a “gypsy” have been robbed, pick pocketed and mugged on several occasions while traveling Europe. Am I to attribute this to the fact that Roma live

Shit, now I feel bad. I should give this computer back to it’s rightful owner. BAD TRADITIONS! BAD! Why do you for me to steal!?

“But how do you know that you are not Sinti?”Family marriage records, records of where we lived, traveled, DNA testing, etc.
This “tribal” and his family kept excellent records due to our desire of not marrying into our own blood lines.

“Isn’t the whole Romani(Roma) - Sinti thing just a convention?”
Nope. The Sinti

Here’s a couple sites I refer people to when they are initially curious about Bohemian Roma culture. They are a good jump off point to learn about current views and the historical situation of the Roma people.

While they are not professional peer-reviewed journals, they are good for a foundational anecdotal level of

The etymology of the word gypsy itself is due to the Egyptian confusion. But, that’s an English word and it didn’t have a direct connection to any old world Roma because none of them spoke English. The “slave” connotation comes from Zigeuner, Tsigane, etc. Each European language has their version. Once the English

No worries! :) But just keep in mind that the religious practices of the Roma are as varied as our cultures are. The Kingdom of Bohemia and Moravia were extremely enlightened for their times when it came to religious freedom. But that said, my family alone has experimented with Catholicism, Calvinism, Paganism,

No worries, I think Queen is just used to the standard close minded instant gratification types that float about on the internet and is completely over them. The problem is, when that mindset is supported with like minded people who are also tired of it all, it becomes normal to lash out at your frustrations even when

I do appreciate your candor and levelheadedness despite what most people on the internet would throw a fit over. Thank you for the discourse.

The problem is you have no idea that they are “white.” The OP you were replying to never stated their skin color, ethnicity or anything else. They simply stated they were uninformed. But your knee jerk reaction was to assume they are white and to lecture them about POC, and to defend Roma as POC. Which is why I made

No snark here, I’m curious what you think makes the Roma great as a people?

The “Roma” are made up on a myriad of ethnicities, nationalities, languages and cultures. We all consider ourselves a specific group of Roma compared to each other group. E.g. Mexicans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans.

Some of us are successful, some of

I was in Germany visiting family when Merkel’s Sinti/Roma memorial was opened back in 2012. I quite like it. It’s not a spectacle, it’s just a quiet place to reflect upon and acknowledge the actions that were taken.

My brother also has his PhD and does R&D/Project management for Daimler. It’s funny how quickly