
If you'd like to add to the conversation, feel free. Otherwise you're just spouting nonsense.

The summation of your reply is, "you don't know what you're talking about." So while you're free to have that opinion, we have over a hundred replies going on here. If you have something to add to this conversation, by all

Unfortunately, that's not how infringement on a brand works. In utilizing an art style, in the same medium as nintendo, while looking like a nintendo game; and similar enough that people are able to point out the obvious comparison, nintendo can claim that their brand's image is being damaged.

I think people have a lot of knee jerk misinterpretation. I don't dislike the guy, or the game. I know nothing about either =)

My comment is merely based on the poor appropriation of an iconic art style. He would have been far better off not making a couple pieces from his game look so familiar. The downside to the

"You weren't being clever in any ironic sense, you were being a hypocrite."

I replied with it on purpose. So let's define this, hmm?

Irony: "the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect."

Hypocrisy: "the practice of claiming to have

Honestly, I didn't address the pictures because I have a lot of replies going and felt it was of little consequence.

Quantum theory - I've never played either game, I can't comment on this.
Runes of Magic - It certainly does have a WoW feel to it, I suspect if Blizzard really felt it was encroaching on their earnings

Again, you're painting with too broad a brush; we're getting to the point that I'm going to start using art puns.

An iconic style is not "gritty realism." I believe you and others have made the example of CoD compared to battlefield. That's a setting, not an art style.

Again, refer back to where I said it's not the

Don't get me wrong, no where have I said Nintendo will win anything =)

My stance was merely that he was getting out of the boiling pot before he got burnt. I can't imagine any small time game dev wants the attention of Nintendo and a possible bankrupting court battle. Whether Nintendo wins or not isn't the point, it's

Indeed, especially when trying to keep up with so many different conversations and making sure you're not misquoting someone in response.

I loved that about CCR and John Fogerty. "We're sorry Mr. Fogerty, you sound too much like yourself."

"It's a style which is shared by thousands and thousands of games, many of which are not made by Nintendo. Nintendo wasn't even the first to use that style."

How is this art style being described by both sides of the discussion? What game is it being compared with? Mario. Nintendo doesn't have to be the first to use

They can sue them and demand a cease and desist because they can place a claim that it reflects poorly on their brand. This is emphasized in situations where the medium of the new content is the same as the old content.

I'm glad I could provide entertainment =)

"It's OK to continue arguing your point without being a condescending prick you know that right?"

In all of my replies, I've replied in kind. Those who've taken a poor tone with me received it back. There are plenty of civil discussions back and forth within this conversation thread between others and myself.


If it weren't Nintendo I'd likely have a completely different view of the situation to be honest. They simply have a history for squashing anything and everything that might infringe on their IP.

It's not the object itself you can own, it's the style in which it's represented that you can own. Again, this is what I've said since the beginning. ART....STYLE.

"You should really limit the times that you're being a condescending asshole to the times that you're right."

Hence my condescension.

Not even going to touch that line of discussion. Whether he is required to adhere to cease and desist letters or not doesn't take away from whether he's receiving them, which was my implication. Merely the thought of having a global company such as Nintendo coming after you is usually enough to say, "no worries, I

I didn't state they owned or invented color pixel art. Hence why I said you're being too generic. What I said was that they own their own iconic stylization of the pixel art they used.

Honestly, as per the comment where I mentioned that I am "well off" I didn't reply to the individual who was making claims against what I do or do not make. I didn't make it a topic of discussion in an argument because it doesn't have bearing on my responses. Rich, poor or in between, my finances are irrelevant.

Nintendo can easily draw the conclusion that the game art looks similar enough to theirs, that since they are both game developers that the misappropriation of their iconic art style is similar enough that this game could harm their brand in what is otherwise considered their primary medium.

The word use of "steal" in my initial reply here was used simply due to the title of the article. Post initial reply I have regarded it as the misappropriation of an iconic art style that one can easily determine it as such seeing as both sides are referring to it as Mario'esque.