
And I'm stating that he's not talking about American aboriginals. HumanAbyss was speaking to Nucleus, who in turn is referring to the article. The article is about Australia. He's stating that he's American and doesn't know anything about Australian aboriginals.

Nope, what you said is perfectly fitting in that "you can say that about most any game." Like I said, I wasn't trying to pick on you, you were just the first person to reply, and had a somewhat "who cares about x game" response.

While I'm not particularly a LoL fan, it really seems that folks hate on it because it is that popular. It seems a lot like people hating on WoW just to do so, that it's the "thing" to do.

Now, I'm not pointing fingers at you specifically, your reply was just a convenient place to give commentary about this. Whether

Could you also say you're an AD&D folk? eh? eh?

Stick them with the pointy end.

I guess it depends if they are socially functional geeks, or socially awkward nerds. I have a table top group that consists of all "normal" seeming people. A marine, a college football coach, a physician, a principal, a warehouse manager, a chef, and a nutritionist.

We can all have conversations about sports, cars,

No, this is definitely far less weird than larping. It's still eye-rolling weird, but larping....

I understand that the term is used in other places, but the article is in regards Australia, to which the individual whom I was responding on behalf of was referring to.

He was indeed stating he's American, and replying to having ignorance regarding Australian aboriginals, I'm not sure what the confusion there is.

Wait, you attack his intelligence and knowledge regarding a topic only to say that you yourself weren't able to have the reading comprehension skills to determine that "Aboriginal" and "Australian" doesn't have to do with Native Americans? Yes. That is an issue worth addressing.

I don't agree with that statement. Before I began to practice medicine in Texas I taught government and history here as well. Even with how backwards people view texas, and the fact that it's rated in the bottom 50 of all states for education it still does a very thorough job of covering the misdeeds done to the

Fair enough, I await it as well, but unfortunately the story of the main character of that game has ended.

"I'm really hoping for a game similar to Mass Effect." You know those moral choices in Mass Effect? They started in KoToR. You know those dialog choice wheels? Guess where those came from as well.... Character class progression? Party romance? Your own ship? Interactable crew?

How exactly would you like it to be

He asks about Australian aboriginals, you reply with,
"It's really dissapointing that american history teaches you so little."

I agree, it is a shame he never learned about the aboriginals of Australia.

You go on to talk about Native Americans and that, " it's actually not that surprising in retrospect that your school

Wizards of the coast has a D20 star wars game, Star Wars Saga. Alas, there are no Beast Tamers.

I'm glad I've developed a distaste for sweets as I've gotten older. Just the idea of consuming these make me cringe.

I didn't indicate this specific video was a commercial for a reason, it's over three minutes long. Instead, I made a general comment regarding not having seen commercials for the game itself.

But, I'm sure commenters who are looking for the origin of the video will appreciate the info.

In the nineties I lived in an city of eight million =P So I doubt it was "size or population," rather that the population simply didn't hold competitions =)

That's definitely possible.

I don't even bother watching for the commercials. I wait for sites like kotaku or some such other site to post the best of the commercials so I can view them at my own leisure.