
I'm not going to say that Der Spiegel are ALWAYS correct in their reporting, but they are certainly in the top three of unbiased and world recognized editorials.

Eeeeeeh, kinda, but not exactly. This type of thing has existed since the fifties. Most every president has spoken on how intelligence is provided. Essentially, you're given intelligence, and don't ask where it came from. By doing so, you have plausible deniability.

With the fact that it was likely the NSA who

I was just teasing =)

That said, the fishing expedition is the issue here. They are supposedly using this method to catch terrorists, but are instead "stumbling" upon information that allows them to arrest U.S. citizens.

Now, I won't argue that you shouldn't be penalized for doing something illegal. But the methodology

Wir haben spione unseres eigenen.

I see nothing wrong with the NSA or the TSA, I do on the other hand have an issue with how they're run and the lack of an active/unbias oversight committee.

You know, speaking as someone who's not an american as well, your ugly generalization just makes you look even worse, bigot.

If you're insinuating that these articles shouldn't appear, click on kotaku core in the top left corner of your screen.

I guess it depends on the kind of porn you look at, doesn't it?

You pervert.

The blanketed information collection has been deemed legal as well though. All depending on which judge you ask ;) It's interesting that it's been a split ruling so far, but the white house is fully endorsing the "not illegal" ruling.

That really sucks, I sincerely hope they have some form of office or site insurance. It wont get them their game dev back, but at least they wont be out their hardware costs.

Oh, I totally recognized where it was going to begin with. My responses to him are sticking to being purely factual. It's more for those who read the thread thinking he may be correct, than to actually try and sway him. He's already been informed of the fact regarding what he's speaking on, so it's no longer

Well, what many people fail to be cognizant of is that those "good ole days" in the US history has always been run by progressives. Most people seem to be ignorant of the fact that the two political parties in the states changed their stances around the 1920-1930's. The "Republican" party up until that time were the

I've never seen an ad on this site usingad blocker. Except for those click bait articles that are clearly sponsored ads.

It has it's ups and downs. Currently, the mechanics for it are simple, but suck. The more people that sign up, the less plans are.

The problem with that is, Republican politicians are attempting to sabotage the system by not allowing certain plans, or access to extended benefits within their states. Meaning that very

I have no idea what you were trying to say.

"This guy got his insurance canceled by Obamacare"

He still has insurance. He does not have disability coverage that spans the gap between short term and long term. They are two different things.

Our "Affordable healthcare act" will go into effect on Jan 1st. Unfortunately, plans until that time are not affected by the ACA.

Oh, don't get me wrong, there's a reason I added the post script here. I'm not arguing the validity of the program or not, merely what it is and isn't currently doing.

As it's now law and active as of the first, I just don't bother withdiscussion as to whether it should exist or not. It does.

Guaranteed? Not necessarily, but very very likely. Statistically it's not a positive prognosis.

Well, to be fair, at first it's misleading due to the less than articulate commentary that was made, but it has it's place. American health care is crap at the moment, which is why the ACA was enacted. Disability, while not directly health care, is generally selected during your enrollment period for health care. They