
It reminds me of the art work for the Sword of Truth book series.

You can quote the history of the rifle all you like. It doesn't change the fact that the current issue M16 can be altered to Full auto.

The gun doesn't exist because of a spelling error? We need to get Dr. Who on the line for this one. Because something's not right when something's existence can disappear due to a one letter mispronunciation.

So I ask again, does that change anything about the interview? Does it change that he corrected what shotgun should be used to the correct one but simply mispronounced it and thus misspelled it?

You can, in fact most weapons are handed to you that way from the experiences friends have had.

The transcript is (sic), and would it change anything if it was spelled correctly?

I would think because spending five minutes with the weapon and a file turns it into a fully automatic weapon. I have two good buddies that did three stop losses in Iraq together. They were both reissued weapons along the way that were given to them already filed in this manner.

Firstly, myths are generally based on some semblance of the truth. And as we clearly cannot ask first hand, we won't know to what extent.

I just wish more people who preach teaching kids about guns at an early age would recognize that alcohol and sex is the same path.

Well, the insanity gene was strong in her family. She's a distant relative of Vlad the 3rd (the impaler). Which is also why some believe there was no trial. Along with her being royalty, they believed she might be a vampire. They were the royalty of Transylvania. As Vlad's infamy and rumors of such an affliction had

Unfortunately if someone is willing to draw that sort of correlation they're likely a lost cause, or trolling on purpose =)

Agreed, slippery slope and all that.

He did have IBS( as reports from Theodor Morell have confirmed ), was addicted to pain killers and what we today consider meth. The vegetarian portion is widely accepted among people where I'm from, and I had never heard anything to counter it. But granted, just because I'm German doesn't mean I knew the guy's eating

While true, we Europeans can turn on basic Tv and see full frontal nudity (in most countries) these silly Americans are still puritans at heart. But don't worry, they're still a young country and just haven't had the millennia to mellow out. Give them a few more centuries.

Well, I mean, to kill 3 million people you have to almost say, "Well Done! You must get up very early in the morning. I can't even get down the gym! Your diary must look odd: “Get up in the morning, death, death, death, death, death, death, death – lunch- death, death, death -afternoon tea - death, death, death -

I guess it depends on the scale at which someone is considered a dictator. Can it be regional or does it have to affect an entire nation/country, etc.

Now playing

I like how it depicts Hitler correctly. Since he was a vegetarian painter, you know one day he just couldn't get the trees right and decided, "Fuck it! I'll just kill everyone in the world!"

Oh no, they stated quite clearly especially during their final night count down that they had all donated to the kickstarter fund, but that they used paypal instead of Amazon.

"We did put quite a bit of our own money into the project as well as the Kickstarter campaign."

"He didn't say he backed his project's campaign on Kickstarter."