The whole point was for the person being quoted to not be taken seriously. Much akin to using "brah" and so forth. Perhaps when people complain about terminology without taking into account context, they are taking themselves too seriously ;)
The whole point was for the person being quoted to not be taken seriously. Much akin to using "brah" and so forth. Perhaps when people complain about terminology without taking into account context, they are taking themselves too seriously ;)
You've never picked up on intentional word play, have you. Context clues son, they're awesome.
An OU sweat shirt and a longhorns shirt.... man, where's the representation for my Aggs?
No worries, I completely agree. It's not fair, it's just what is.
Yes, but it's easier for dorky guys to identify and there for accept a dorky host. Where-as they forget just how grungy punk Morgan was and she's as much if not more of a dork than Adam. Women are to be objectified remember?
Sessler isn't on this site....sooo..... yeah.
Yes, the US had the option to claim the territory completely and chose not to do so. The land and it's natural resources were handed to the US on a silver platter after the Spanish American war. The US gave Puerto Rico a choice to either be a state, or not.
They receive Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid and pay 2% taxes. That's a damn good deal.
Yes, they pay no income tax. Ultimately, they pay 2% of the normal 18% that a standard US citizen pays.
This is actually the opposite. Puerto Rico was the US's property, but allowed them to Secede. They have now voted to rejoin as a state. This isn't England with the Balkans, India, China, Ireland, Scotland, etc.
Uh.... they get all of the benefits of statedom and aren't taxed by the US currently. There is no taxation, only representation.
Squares are for squares, it's so "only fifty states ago." heh.
It's not hard to consider Americans intelligent. Canada is after all, North America ;)
No worries, his facts are incorrect anyhow.
You're quoting Wikipedia and doing so unsuccessfully. What you're referencing is the following, "Puerto Ricans had median household income of $18,314 for 2009, which makes Puerto Rico's economy comparable to the independent nations of Latvia or Poland.[155] By comparison, the poorest state of the Union, Mississippi,…
I think you mean Secede.
Don't worry about Florida, they'll crazy themselves to extinction eventually.