

Rhetorical questions on the internet are only used to come off like a dick. So, well played dick. In the small chance you weren't being rhetorical and there was simply a reading comprehension issue, I'll repeat. "I got bored, as I expected I would." This would indicate I was playing, and got bored of the game. So yes,

After making my post, I asked myself if I was simply jaded about the genre. And as you said, being an almost two decade long MMO player, I think that may be the issue. The WvW pvp seems like an interesting idea, I just wasn't able to partake.

All valid points, it echoes pretty much what I said as well. A side note about the chain gun, the soldier and marauders still have the old style gun, just with a different skin. There's other smgs true enough, but most of them are far less underpowered since they're used by infiltrators and techs.

There are 560TI 2gig OC's out there as well. It's what I'm currently using.

Dunno what it is, I've always disliked the Van Helsing'esque type character for magic settings.

Could people please stop being overly dramatic with their reminiscence?

In no way do I mean to discredit your preferences. But the fact that there are giant cat people wielding guns is a reason dislike the game.

I really wish reviews would stop using Metacritic. Otherwise, good article repost.

It's funny, the first time I saw halo I thought it was gameplay for a new tribes game and they added a new green colored faction. Then I read the details and found out if was just a slow paced console version of tribes, with a story.

I got bored, as I expected I would; and started a new play through of Mount and Blade: Prophecies of Pendor.


Deutschland, du bist so verrückt.

Read my post below. Not all of us are simply using it as a means to be electronic thieves. A vast majority of the posts here support those of us who use torrenting as a litmus test whether the product should be purchased or not.

No, I caught what you were saying quite succinctly, I simply used your post as a platform to make fun of any up coming games for the ninja turtles franchise reboot.

Hbo can be watched on demand via tablet device, or smart phone as well via their own service. With my FIOS "On Demand" button I can watch each episode whenever I want as well on any tv in the house should I choose to.

I don't make games for a living, so any response I have is pure speculation. But I would assume that the duration of content for the player and the time to make the game go hand in hand.

Don't feel bad, I'm sure there'll be plenty of horrible Ninja turtle video games following the Michael Bay reboot of that franchise. If we're looking forward to video games based on movies that we know will be failures, there's your horse to bet on.

It'd be nice if there was a scaling cost for games based on duration. Some games are fine at 20hrs in length. But why am I paying $60 for both games if the 20hr game has a third or even a tenth the content of longer games?

Hey, it worked for Sir Francis Drake. ;)