Vatican II was EXTREMELY controversial among conservative Catholics, specifically in allowing masses to be performed in local languages and having the Priest face the congregation while presiding.
Vatican II was EXTREMELY controversial among conservative Catholics, specifically in allowing masses to be performed in local languages and having the Priest face the congregation while presiding.
It's not at all true that Catholic teaching views sex as solely for procreation and pleasure as sinful. As far back as Augustine (not exactly known for his pro-sex views), the Church understands sexuality [within marriage] to achieve the goods of both reproduction and marital intimacy. Pope John Paul II, in his…
Abortion and the birth control pull wasn't a major focus for the Catholic Church until they were legalized.
That is not accurate at all from a historical level from my perspective. There are many more forms of contraception that are older even then the church. A fascinating world to look into this is how various Polynesian island states addressed and failed to address the needs of their environment through population…
Dunno if you were asking that seriously or not, but here's the short version of the serious answer to "how the shit does THAT happen" — the American Evangelical church tradition (it's a collection of historically affiliated denominations and non-denominational churches, not a single institution like the Catholic…
I love him, too. It's going to take a while to reform the whole of the entrenched Catholic leadership, so I don't mind dealing with a few jabs about abortion if it means bringing people together on issues like FGM and climate change.
1. Ok, what's your point? Mako did get the short end of the stick.
You should go back and watch the last two seasons, because I thought they made it pretty clear where they were going with Asami and Korra's relationship. They start hinting at it from the first episode of season three (when Asami is teaching Korra how to drive). They develop the relationship more throughout the…
I don't know what show you were watching because Asami was very prominent in season 3. I mean, the season kicked off with her and Korra agreeing that there was no beef between them over Mako. And don't forget the entire episode about the two of them escaping the airship in the desert. Or the ending, when Korra is…
I'm on the Hydra Diet. Unfortunately, for each pound I lose, I grow two more in its place.
Seriously. I speak Labian, which is an outer-precint dialect, but there is also Clitoran, Cervixes, etc. Unfortunately, the subtleties of Vaginese have eluded straight white men for centuries.
All of this is a social construct, but technically Hispanic/Latino is not a race; it's an ethnicity. This means that a Hispanic/Latino person can be of any race: black Hispanic (Celia Cruz!), white Hispanic (Salma Hayek!), and Asian Hispanic (Alberto Fujimori!) are all different types of people who exist.
The majority of the population in DR are Black. They're not Black because of Hatians coming over illegally. (That's different news you're mixing up)They're Black because of their African ancestry. I really wish there was more research done for this story.