Who needs sway bars anyway

This gives me hope that some day I'll get to have my FPV falcon without having to wait an EXCRUCIATINGLY long time! The only way I have really been able to figure out a way around is to ship it here in Pieces, assemble it and call it a kit car. But I'm really not clear on kit car registration in MA. I would be willing

Ill take this little baby up through the hills of New Hampshire through to Maine and the Acadia National Park with my Girl. The day I ever get to drive an original GT40 you can take me out behind the barn and put me out of my misery, But you would be hard pressed to even get me out of the car.

This is great, Its like a significantly more expensive version of what I do with my R/C's in front of my house! I like it.

To be honest, working for SVT or Tesla would be great, But I would find the most amount of satisfaction and joy from having my own Off-Road/ Hot rod custom shop. I dont think I would enjoy anything more than swinging wrenches and welding tube. I've even got the name picked out.. Bottom Line Custom Works and yes there

By hardest , You really mean most fun, because really most of these look the journey would be amazing.

Realistically I would like to get a 190e cossie... slightly less realistically I would love a new BRZ or Focus ST, and if someone that loved me won the lottery , I would take a V12 Aston Vantage.

HAHA! I'm not going to argue because I know very well that you are wrong! maybe on the dunes where the independent front suspension on an Xterra wont get in the way, but going thought the muddy rocky hills up here in New England , an Xterrra wont hold a candle to my cherokee even with both differentials tied behind my

Bloody Hell!! You gun control wienies can even wait for the bodies to be collected before you start SPEWING this NONSENSE. you are a pathetic, selfish, awful person. People have just died because a psycho wanted to kill them! Fuck you, for taking advantage of that for your own personal agenda!

I already figured this out when I designed it years ago, A molded mesh screen covering the intake of the turbine to direct wildlife and debris away would not only keep the wildlife from being disturbed but would be necessary to keep things from destroying the turbine

Nope went to Wentworth Institute of tech

I know this is a bit retro , but I would love to see more plaid style fabrics in interiors. Like the Jeep FC concept, E30 M3 evo , 190e Cosworth

Nope I'll be driving my Jeep thank you. Already gassed up and ready for hellfire!

I designed something exactly like this for my capstone project in 08' but I was too bloody stupid to follow through and take it through to completion.

Thanks for the correction. As I am aware of the difference Between the bladder/urethra and the vagina I overlooked my usage of the word vagina in the opening of my comment, Rest assured that my mistake is publicly acknowledged and corrected.

Let me rephrase for the sake of correctness what I meant to say was "Due to the nature of the female anatomy more than just urine comes from a ladys " privates ", My apologies to all whom I offended.

Naturally, I never said it came from the vagina. I implied it came from the same area. It comes from the bladder and exits urethra but, for the sake of simplifying the explanation for the simpleton OP I kept the specifics low. I forgot the Internet was full of pedantic know it alls too.

Well Since you apear to be a complete idiot... Due to the nature of the female anatomy more that just urine comes from a ladys vagina. On a regular basis the lining of the uterus is stripped and excreted through the vaginal opening, commonly referred to as her period. In a majority of cases a lady can predict this and

Well Since you apear to be a complete idiot... Due to the nature of the female anatomy more that just urine comes from a ladys vagina. On a regular basis the lining of the uterus is stripped and excreted through the vaginal opening, commonly referred to as her period. In a majority of cases a lady can predict this and

Now playing

If you want a good way to waste the rest of your friday check out more of Madram11's videos on you tube.. There brilliant fun if you like tube buggys with 454 chevys and crazy southern off-roading

YES YES YES! We decide to prove Darwin wrong and "improve" safety standards , and China gets the rights and molds to the best SUV ever built