until they start offering an ad-free facebook experience for $20/year
until they start offering an ad-free facebook experience for $20/year
it's an amphibian assault machine. like this (NSFW!):
this is the most earth-shattering headline in the history of shattering things. here's a condensed version: "Apple Upgrades Its Stuff to Work With Its Other Stuff"
my jaw just dropped repeatedly watching this idiotic marching technique and all the jumping around. WTF. i mean...seriously...
BOOKS and such
the sociologists at birchbox determined that chicks don't listen to good music anyway. ani difranco sounds just as awful mono as in stereo. hence their budget of $0.03 for the earbuds and $0.10 for the card they're wrapped around. i am a man and i approve this message.
my goodness, where did you come up with the idea of up voting / down voting things?! an impressive feat of creative genius.
if apple offers free recycling of their machines then the relevant requirements of the certification don't apply and the certification should have a way to adjust given appropriate controls serving the same goal in a different way. if the certification criteria won't allow for this then it makes sense for apple to…
realistically, people who own apple laptops (like the air i'm typing on) don't remove the batteries at all anyway. if need be they can be swapped by apple...and if apple offers a free recycling service (which i think they do) then this standard is moot for them.
p.s.: tits
hipster-dom has come full circle into hill-billy-dom. the cycle is complete.
palm pre/veer - miss the inductive charging!!!
my fav veggie cheeses are: follow your heart, daiya, and teese. and tofutti slices are OK. tofutti makes great vegan ice cream though. you can get teese at veganessentials.com - also, have you ever tried amy's vegan frozen mac&cheese? most vegan mac & cheese tastes like anus.
have you tried Quorn?
french canadian - or, maybe belgian? are you in europe? if not, and you are american, your english is shit!
hi cesp - you sound french. are you stealing bikes in montreal? if so, do you get the poutine before or after jacking a juicy bike?
it's not a mistake, it's just the standard 30/360 basis for calculating return on an asset. these dumb facebook users just didn't realize that they are considered financial assets by facebook ... especially now that they have earnings projections to meet.
holy F...the new comment interface is impossible to use. i didn't think you could find a worse comment interface than the one over at engadget, but this one has managed that dastardly feat. i'm sorry guys, i know it sucks when you work hard on something then people hate it...but i hate this interface. i couldn't…
i think that i am a stupid a-hole that doesn't know my bung hole from my corn hole. plus, i am a known curmudgeon. take that, me!
it's also nice to be a fetching young chick. you'd be surprised by the vast differences in how people can be treated differently in the same situation depending on who they are and what they look like. those that benefit from this disparity tend to be less aware of its existence. my guess is that the average…