AssuntaPabsy a dracula

or just do what i do: use chinet paper plates and plastic utensils. no bacteria or mess. dead trees, yes...but less water waste, detergents, etc. i have real dishes but rarely use them. dishwasher used mainly for cooking stuff (woks, pots/pans, etc). heck i even use chinet plates as cutting surfaces and mise en

molly, you do realize the key word here is "jumbo". eggs from many hens are combined together and sorted by weight. "twin" eggs just happen to be heftier, so they tend to be over-represented in the jumbo category. combine that with a flock of chickens that probably share some DNA/are related (hence a probable

judging from the picture... in case you want to get wasted on mt. dew

look, if god loved fat people he wouldn't kill them with sandwiches. simple as that.

go back to your liberal paper-loving communist sex dungeon and let the rest of us chow down on paper and batmans in peace.

the answer is simple: eat paper

i thought she choked to death on a sandwich. that could happen to anyone at any time.

can it be pictures of a lifesize cutout of mark zuckerberg engaging in various hijinks?

i think calling them "morbidly" obese is looking at the glass half empty. i prefer "curvy". or just plain sexy. marilyn monroe and mama cass would both be considered "obese" by today's beauty standards...

miss that game

wait, are you talking about the sweaty, shirtless hunk above posing like adonis straight out of an abercrombie & fitch ad?

it sounds all new fangled and high minded, but dollars to donuts they'll just strap rockets to the asteroids and have them crash into bolivia to be mined by children for 13 cents an hour. as god intended.

check out the saucy vixen in the underoos... DAAMMNNNN

awwww yeaaahhhh - SPLOOG. that's what i'm talkin' bout.

zuck is a total hunk. i bet he has a huge dringus. and the lilly-white skin of a victoria's secret model. that and those juicy moobs...he's the total package.

you think they're implants? i doubt it. that's 100% all natural corn-fed american man boobs.

zuck has moobs. LOL. nice moobs zuckerberg!

yeah, i was going to say it if someone else hadn't

the forest . of . DING DONGS

it is pretty interesting stuff.