yeah jesus - nice try. it's not the headphones making you look like a princess!
yeah jesus - nice try. it's not the headphones making you look like a princess!
all this research might be confounded if the anatomical g-spot was only present in a certain percentage of women. this type of genetic difference could make the difference between the large erogenous sub-organ that is described above and something small and inactive. i personally have seen significant variability in…
um, gross
yes - let's define the universe as changing relative to ourselves as the fixed constant...because we all know that the earth is at the center, right? amiright?
if i had a bejesus, these things would scare it out of me. the idea of - wait for it - PERMANENT BLINDNESS by simply catching a reflection of the beam in your eye, for the sake of dicking around, is disturbing. it's sort of like having a gun that is useless for self-defense but still very dangerous to play around…
this is actually really awesome
uhh... i think i see fingers on the sides of the "eye"
i saw the webserver logs at the end...i wonder if the cops have to specify a date range...b/c that would include every single click the user made on FB and could be hundreds of pages over the space of several years. or maybe they provide the logs electronically as well. interesting to know that facebook actually…
thank god for al franken, man. it's nice to see a politician with a genuine sense of humor.
i think you may be missing my point! as in, you're saying what i was implying without realizing that that's the point i was trying to make. which is, we (collectively) find the pics of KDC ridiculous and/or hilarious because we are a bunch of biased, fat-a-phobic dickbags.
firmware 1.6 will add the "jerkstop" feature, which uses image data to determine if the user is flogging his salami and uses an array of audio and visual deterrents to prevent the user from ever achieving orgasm.
there are too many metal seams. why don't they just mill the thing out of a solid block of aluminum? call it the "Zumwalt Pro Uni-Boaty"...
the one on the right is dispensing cock. the height is perfect.
when did google hire philip seymour hoffman?? is he sergey brin's butler now? where's the dude? i need a beverage...
built-in inductive charging is by far the main feature i was clinging to on my palm phones before giving in and switching to an iphone 4s. i loved having touchstones wherever i spent any time with my phone (desk, car, bed, etc) and i never even noticed battery drain at all. same goes for my touchpads (firesale). i…
i think it's more likely related to some form of integrated RFID for inventory or tracking purposes. RF power isn't the same as inductive power. the energy transfer employed in induction is not carried by radio waves (eg RF).