is that an orange-flavored katy perry?
is that an orange-flavored katy perry?
wrong. the only use for this thing is making some scary goth nerd into a scarier goth nerd. they'd lack the strength to actually stab anyone with it'll mainly just be pulled out secretly in the mall to impress the high school girls and goth nerd friends.
i guess i wasn't just looking for practicable information relating to choosing lenses and settings on cameras, but actually understanding the underlying principles of how this affects the capturing of an image. the shaky math comment was mainly because he seemed to be loosely glossing over the relationships between…
yikes - this wasn't a very solid explanation to me. felt like the math was a little shaky and the physics/optics wasn't explained very well at all. the practical relationship between f-stops, etc seemed to be effectively described, but not what any of it really means in terms of "amount of light", etc.
another new method is called the "two bricks" method. it's a low tech approach but is firmly rooted in the laws of classical mechanics. when the two bricks collide with sufficient kinetic energy, the dog's bollocks are safely and cleanly crushed into a pulpy residue. the resulting grizzled pubic stump heals up…
pfft. don't worry. dr. manhattan will brush them away like tiny specks of dust if one ever got too close. "get wet"? you know that's doesn't mean sweaty, right?
yeah - it looks like the person who made it is named maxine from london: []
i bet this is a viral marketing campaign for an upcoming film or tv show
wait - you threw me at "flagella of an amoeba". do amoebae have flagella? i thought that was partly what distinguished an amoeba vs other protozoa - pseudopods yes, cilia/flagella no.
i hope they manage to get a pic of him breaking the sound barrier ... with that ring of condensation that forms. seeing just a guy in the middle of that would be pretty incredible. hopefully he doesn't just disintegrate into a mist of blood and cytoplasm before that time.
this gave me a huge erection
it's funny how something that could easily have gone extinct as a result of TV, the internet, etc (comic books) has actually turned into a driving force behind the whole entertainment industry. comic con has gone from a concentration camp for nerds to a mandatory event for big business complete with A-list celebs and…
they should add this stuff to mt. dew and make "mt. dew: code brown" that gives you cancer AND shrinks your balls. if your balls are going to shrivel like raisins, why hang around? amiright?
not forgetting...see the wiki article. i owned both the jukebox and the rio in your well as my personal favorites the creative nomad and nomad II and the rio karma. then, after apple killed the market like walmart kills a small town's main street, i had to switch to ipods like everyone else.
I guess my point is, that statement would be correct if you replaced "established" with "entered" and replaced "entirely new" with "existing".