
A&E has their counter program coming up called “The Toe Bro”. It may be worse than Dr. PP.

Ah, but you missed an angle here. Nello is the shitty, overpriced Italian restaurant that was in the news last month when their policy of not allowing women sit at the bar alone less she be mistaken for a prostitute was made public.

That ol’ Don Trump is the worst. president. ever. is obvious to all with a functioning brain.

15 months and a charge of involuntary manslaughter is madness for this.

One of the most aggressively irrelevant people I’ve ever met. When she “wrote” a book, she came to speak at the monthly meeting of the publisher I used to work for. Staff asked her what her goals were, what her ambitions were, whether she planned to follow in her father’s footsteps and run for office. She sat there,

It’s beyond pointless, without that contrast this article is basically incomplete. The issue is that white, hetero, cis-male teens have legitimately never faced the kind of struggle that the current generation does, because historically everyone else has instead. The structures historically meant to signal boost those

Then he’s a fucking moron.

The girl who did that was probably his mom.

Mom should maybe tell him to stop being an annoying little shit and don't play with the doors

“It happened once when my mom was in high school. A girl purposely broke her own arm just to get another person in trouble.”

“That girl could go home,” Ryan recalls his mom saying, “slit the whole side of her cheek with a knife, and come to school Monday and say, ‘Hey, look what he did to me.’”

Ryan is convinced that if it had been a fight between two girls, things would’ve been different. He has this idea that since I’m a woman, if I were in the same situation, I could do whatever I wanted. I could pull out a knife and stab a guy, and I wouldn’t get in trouble.”

Is Ryan’s family rich? Like legitimately rich? Like net worth of at least $5 million rich?

An article like this would be fine if perhaps it was about two teens with differing opinions comparing and contrasting and maybe letting them talk to each other. This kinda shit is pointless.

She probably realizes that if she doesn’t constantly remind us of who her dad was she wouldn’t have a job because she’s an idiot.

She’s also the embodiment of, “Don’t you know WHO I AM?”

Not a day goes by that she doesn’t insinuate dear ole (dead) dad into the conversation. 

Whoever does makeup and wardrobe for Meghan really has had it in for her for a very long time.

Joy Behar would beat the shit out of Meghan in a bare-knuckle fight despite being 40 years older.

Meghan McCain is the embodiment of “I want to speak to your manager”.