
Thank you, Diana. It's refreshing to be presented facts about this story without the editorial tone of "Bill Cosby is a motherf@$!ing rapist let's all go torch his house!"

the biggest thing hurting the small business's are all the things the democrats do.

Not really buying this story. So, a random guy emails a random girl on FB asking for naked vids/pics then the gallant boyfriend has to step in to tell the random alleged perv to fuck off because his girlfriend is somehow incapable of doing that herself? Then, instead of telling the guy to actually fuck off, engages

I can almost guarantee he's not getting any sex because he is AWFUL at the act. Whether he's a two-pump chump or he's not satisfying his wife, whatever. Dude isn't getting any because he sucks at what he's giving.

So, there's no research to back up their claim but yet "believe" vaccines can trigger or exacerbate autism? And they "feel" a subset of kids' autism could have been brought on by vaccines? Well, then. Using the "belief criterion," I believe aliens power my computer. Mind you, I have no research to back that up, but on

That's what is sounded like to me, too. But everyone tries to blame their shitty behaviour on something other than just being a shitty person.

Does it matter though? Was it worth two lives even IF the guy who was being tailgated cut the other guy off?

Plus, the kid is totally saying, "Meep meep."