I just meant the low-end of Apple’s pricing spectrum (which is on the high end for smartphones). But yeah, it’s important that a good iPhone (not ultra high-end, but still new) is still seen as “not budget.”
I just meant the low-end of Apple’s pricing spectrum (which is on the high end for smartphones). But yeah, it’s important that a good iPhone (not ultra high-end, but still new) is still seen as “not budget.”
I really wish they just upped the resolution a little. 1080 should be a minimum on something this size. I really don’t need the 3rd camera. But I watch TV and movies on my phone all the time.
And I’d also prefer to not have the ultra wide lens. I use the 2x optical zoom on my 8+ constantly (probably more than the…
It now includes the double camera setup of the iPhone XS and XS Max,
$399 Pixel 3a says hello.
“Most of us are embarrassingly bad about backing up our data and are too cheap to pay the monthly service fees that ensure everything gets properly synced and stored in the cloud”
It’s so rare to see Samus cosplay where the proportions are actually close to how she appears! I’m impressed!
That’s... no. The lines just have to be straight. They can cross diagonally. It’s called a saltire.
I’d tolerate someone calling the circle button the “O” (not zero) button much more than someone calling the “X” the “cross.”
This ..always X ..would have to be rotated a bit to the left or right to be a cross.
It’s the X button and the circle button. Has been since the PS1.
+1 Grandmas Boy reference
If you buy this chair, do you have to listen to really loud techno and pretend to be a robot? (Shoutouts to J.P. Eternal Death Slayer ruled.)
I would love a Battlefield-like stat system, where you get “team points” for playing your role well, playing the objective, and then have K/Ds and whatnot. I get real tired of whiny Widowmakers and McCrees saying how hard they were working, when they got 9 picks the whole game and didn’t touch the payload once...
2/2/2 is a step in the right direction.
Now I wish they would work on how they present stats to the player. Giving a player a gold medal for 4 kills is wrong, plain and simple. It provides positive reinforcement instead of highlighting that 4 kills is not good. Additionally they need to show everyones stats (so both…
Of all these games, I just don’t see StarFox Zero making it over to the Switch, at least in its native form. They would have to retool it from the ground up and remove any parts that involved using the Wii U controller screen. The same goes for NintendoLand.
Nacho Fries just need to be permanent, please.
They need to bring back the Baja Chalupa. I know there is a secret menu way to sort of get one, but damn I miss being able to order that thing.
How can they kill chips and salsa? They’ll still have chips around for the nachos, and they’ll still have salsa. Guess it’ll be the lamest secret menu item of all time.
Yeah, chips and salsa sounds like complete bullshit.