
Except when Netflix buffers it doesn’t undo your progress, game streaming is a totally different beast than movies and music. Movies and music are passive activities, they don’t need your input. The Netflix of video games already exists with things like PlayStation Plus, Humble Monthly, Xbox Live Gold, Xbox Game Pass,

The problem is that the 100’s of people who want this already have PlayStation now.

You will be able to play .5 seconds in the past on a 30Mbps down connection at a heavily compressed 4K 60fps. They never said if it is a 4:2:2 connection or not, I’m betting the image is 4:1:0 at most if not a 4:0:0 compression. 

Microsoft can’t even get my Xbox One to stream to my PC, Sony can make it work but the input lag is still bad and FPS’s are basically unplayable, and that is literally from one room in my house to another, fully wired with Ethernet. 

But PC doesn’t have a half second of lag between your button press and on screen action, that these streaming services have. 

Hell they might try, but the lag induced ragetheir customers will have, will close this service in a few months.

I have 80 Mbps down and between 5-10 Mbps up and I haven’t been able to get any of the game streaming services to even seem remotely playable. These streaming platforms won’t take off for at least another 20 years, when there is decent enough infrastructure to support them. 

And how they just shut down Duo

Why are you still using windows 7?

You can swap out the internal HDD on the PS4 plus add a 4TB external, giving you 8TB of space. Unless you own just about every game published for the system there really is no need for that. 

Too bad iOS has no DS4 support. Oddly enough the DS4 works natively on MacOS. 

Yeah the game is crashing and bricking consoles, this is far beyond quality of life features that are missing. This game is hot garbage, not surprising considering how much it wanted to be destiny, and those games were garbage. 

The real question is why would anyone have bought a movie on steam? Seriously if you use Google Play, Amazon Video, Vudu or any of the dozens of other services, you can watch the content on any of your devices. Watch on your computer, phone, Tablet, TV, Samsung smart fridge, etc. why would you get a movie on Steam

Plus 4K Blu-ray just looks so much better than any streaming service. If you spent money on a good TV you are just wasting it if you are streaming your content. 

Vudu, Movies Anywhere, Amazon Video, Google Play, iTunes, YouTube, Redbox streaming, PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, I’m sure there are others I am forgetting about, but there are plenty of places to get streaming video. Yes I do think they are overpriced but this is what we have. I don’t get why I can rent a Blu-ray

YouTube intentionally doesn’t feature creators they don’t see as family friendly, because they have to promote their platform to advertisers. And advertisers have this double standard of yeah we will advertise during the NFL during their concussion controversy, but nope we don’t want our products associated with

So popular people getting even more popular means YouTube has a bad algorithm? I mean their algorithm has issues but this is not one of them.

You can’t equate time for craftsmanship. Spider-Man had a way more involved development than a multiplayer shooter has.

I wouldn’t worry about RDR Online, GTA online had a slow start as well, and now has a really good online set up.

They aren’t doing everything possible, they still have by far the best stable of developers and games exclusive to their platform. When Microsoft isn’t releasing anything, and Nintendo has been the second console you have for the last few generations, Sony really has no competition.