
The touch bar is dumb, why didn’t they just make the touchpad a screen instead? It would be a lot easier for devs to make that useful.

Man this really sucks, you can tell they actually put lots of care into the game, and then to have the carpet pulled out from under them like this is such a shame. And yes there were bugs and glitches but this is a small Indy dev. This isn’t a large AAA release but I feel a lot of the community didn’t inderstand this

Portal came out around the same time as Bioshock and Uncharted. These games totally changed how I looked at gaming. The atmosphere and storytelling were just so beyond anything that came before. 2007 was a landmark year for video games in general: CoD4, Assassin’s Creed, Super Mario Galaxy, Halo 3, the Witcher, Mass

Episode 2 was like 10 years ago if I remember correctly. So yeah, you could totally be a dad and remember growing up with Half-Life.

The video isn’t trying to say look how expensive, it is saying look at this art. There is also a TON of symbolism hidden in plain sight throughout the entire video.

Yeah the Who and their one... eh two good songs.

I have never tried to balance my controllers like that. I actually bought different colored plastic bins to store my controllers and accessories in, they are all in there by system, and stored nicely on a shelf.

And in Double Dash his special was a huge shell that took up most of the track, so mixed with Diddy Kong who had a huge banana, you were set for every occasion.

Okay... and? Is that Huston? and yeah that has a population that size because it is the size of 20 cities in a normal state. Huston is about 25x25 miles. If you count 25x25 miles, around where I have lived it would be far more than 2.2 million.

Even at 79% it still proves my point, that people who are willing to commit a crime don’t care if guns are legal or not.

Awesome, my parents have had so many people over and they just keep replacing their modem. Like that is going to magically make their service better. I can’t stand cable companies. 

Moba’s Are so boring. I do like fighting games though, even if I am really bad at them. I am okay at smash but pretty much any other fighting game, I kind of suck at.

I wonder if this is an effective way to show the deaths or a great way to trivialize the deaths and make it not look as bad?

That wouldn’t change anything. 92-94% of homicides are from illegally obtained weapons, and depending on the state 40-60% of gun crime, non-lethal, was committed with illegally obtained guns. Making guns illegal will only remove guns from law aboding citizens not criminals, and it won’t make anything actually safe. It

I like this idea, screw gun control it should be about ammo control. That seems like a way easier thing to regulate. 

Those are great but have you had a caramel apple empanada? Those are the best fast food pies. 

Grind them up fill them with frosting roll them into balls and cover them with chocolate to sell as a $3 cake pop.

I never understood designer casual shoes, do people think Nike and Adidas is too generic? I mean Nike and Adidas our millions of dollars into designing casual shoes, designers just draw something on paper them make it. Also I bet you can buy like 3 pairs of Ultraboosts for the price of these ugly things, and

Nah, Gucci’s lifestyle clothing has always been ugly as shit and cost a small fortune. My bet is a lot of designers just want to see what they can get away with.

I would buy so many Gurren Lagann games. As long as they aren’t just fighting games like this appears to be. Making a fighting game based off of a show is just a lazy cash grab.