
You would hold Quantum Break over Horizon or Zelda? Well that is your opinion and you are entitled to it... but I don’t even know what to say about that. Also I agree that exclusives are annoying, but as a PC gamer primarily who also has a PS4, I have been buying a ton of PS4 exclusives recently more so than even PC

Yeah kind of like how you can buy Eyeholes and Reptar cereal at FYE but it is crazy expensive. Honestly if they removed the cereal and just made them plastic boxes for the same price I would have an easier time wanting to buy them, just as a collectors item. I have a hard time buying food as a collectors item. 

I totally agree about the DS3 being too small, and the DS4 being a huge upgrade. Unfortunately I think MS took a step backwards because I think the 360 pad is better than the X1 pad, the X1 pad is just too small. All the X1 had to do was fix the fragile bumpers, the terrible D-Pad, and remove the battery hump on the

Fortunately there is a regular Steam UI, not that it is amazing, but it’s easy enough to figure out. I do wish someone would create an online game store that was easy to browse and find new games, because they are all bad at it.

I got bored of Quantum Break really quickly and found Detroit FAR more enjoyable. Probably because it shows you the story tree and that just makes it feel like it is your own story. Quantum Break just felt like Uncanny Valley the game.

The Wii sold really well, and I don’t think Nintendo made any special Wiis... at least I can’t think of any.

They might not ever make the console special, since they can just sell limited release joycons like the Splatoon ones, that you can just put on your Switch. Kind of like the Wii U never got a special console, the closest is the Wind Walker version hat just had a Zelda themed gamepad. 

You mean everystore. Walmart, Target, the grocery store, TJ Max, Marshals, I am pretty sure every store sells Funko Pops now. 

That just says we don’t eat it for breakfast, not that we don’t eat it.

So Tumbler is basically Dr. Venture and 4chan is the Monarch in this example. I like it. 

Except they aren’t releasing good multiplatform game either. Unless you really beleive RE:core could hold a candle to Horizon Zero Dawn or Breath of the Wild, or that Quantem Break could stand up to Detroit, Gears 4 was pretty mediocre as was Halo 5, the Master Chief collection was... is a buggy, broken, mess. MS’s

The Xbox One and PlayStation 4’s interfaces are both bad, the 360’s NXE is still by far the best console interface it worked smoothly, it was organized, intuitive, allowed for customization, and it looked nice, the XMB is second place because it was very functional even if it is ugly. The PS4 and XBO both took a step

Spider-Man is a Sony brand, Sony owns the rights to Spider-Man. But yeah Sony is acting kind of weird this gen, kind of like how they didn’t put a 4K Blu-ray in the PS4 Pro or slim. It seems like an odd omission when Blu-ray is one of Sony’s own products. 

Microsoft doesn’t care if you have a PC or Xbox they made money on that sale either way. Now if you buy Gears of War 4 on PC guess what? They made money there too.

I watched Muselk do a similar thing to see it go off, since I missed it. Man it looked epic, the entire 50 person squad all landed at Snobby and built quite the scaffolding to enjoy the show. I do hope they do more of this kind of thing, it was really cool. 

Yeah it is still factory sealed with those round stickers. I have a bunch of Lego ideas sets I have never opened, I mostly just build the regular Marvel and DC sets I have. I do think I might build my Ecto-1 later this week when I have a little free time. I just hate opening things like that.

Yeah I am never selling it, but I am still scared of opening it. Idk why I have no plans on selling it.

Idk man, most of the shoe stores buy me seem to have some colorway of Jordan 1’s for around $100 almost always. And you can search Jordan 1 on google and get a bunch of results around $100. It is pretty easy to find.

Lmao, that would be awesome. 

Yes, if you were in any game no matter what the timing of the match was it synced to real world time of 1:30 edt.