
I know but it is still sad. 

That is fare, I was talking about Nintendo buying the Xbox brand not all of MS. Obviously they couldn’t do that. Since the Xbox Brand is worth about half of what Nintendo is worth. 

Again, I didn’t say Microsof, I said Xbox. But you know, make up what you want to hear. Xbox is a small division of Microsoft. 

Not Microsoft, Xbox, the brand. But you know, invent you own version of what i said. Xbox is a division of Microsoft and it is kind of struggling.

I think it has to do with no respawns, a shrinking play area, and that you start with no weapons. 

This game could be good, but the shooting mechanics are just really bad. It just doesn’t feel right, I don’t know if it is just how the guns function, or if it is a netcode issue or what it is. But there are some ideas this game has that are great, I love how there are no parachutes when you land, I really like the

I was just thinking add a new weapon that can shoot through walls but might have a low amoint of ammo, or something like that. 

That isn’t too bad for almost 10 years of a hobby. I have friends who are into cars, shoes, alcohol, and other things that spend far more than that. Seriously a pair of Yeesys can run you close to $500 if they aren’t a rare color, and I don’t want to tell you what some of my friends have put into their cars. 

It hasn’t been crashing my browser but the images aren’t loading and there is definitely a general weirdness going on. I am using a Windows 10 PC, MacOS, and an iPhone, the issue is on all of my devices. 

Is it lazy of me to be considering this, considering I have a gaming laptop that I could totally walk across the room and plug into my tv? But damn $2.50 is insane, I know shipping is $7 but hey, what can you do?

Just a question, why don’t you like steam? I know the store is a mess, but other than that it is just fine. 

It is really funny since Nintendo could buy Xbox but I am pretty sure Xbox couldn’t buy Nintendo. 

They can gain the happiness of their customers. They already have more exclusives than MS, holding cross play hostage does nothing but hurt their brand at this point. They are also so far ahead in console sales, that it wouldn’t slow their sales down at all. 

Halo Infinite was confirmed on PC.

Unfortunately Bloodborne is not on PC.

Well it won’t be easy as long as this Warriors team still exists. 

I mean, it is a related feature.

Yeah it was, Pokemon Red and Blue were popular with kids of all ages, even into their late teens. Skylanders was a really small demographic or 5-8 year old boys, whereas Pokemon was 8-Teen Boys and Girls, plus it had a very successful anime. Not the same at all.

That is exactly what they are suing them over, a copyright violation because of the Battle Royal format.

I would love a current gen Viva Piñata on PC. Give me this game!