
This looks like a line you’d learn from a season of Ferrari Challenge.

Where do I vote crack pipe?

In all fairness though, slaves probably weren’t delicious to eat.

“A woman chauffeur is called a chauffeuse, you dumb idiots!”

Either that or AIDS. The jury’s still out.

They probably just like him because he named his car company after a rock band.

AKA: remote life disablers

Oh great. The first thing I notice is that the guy cast as “Old Man” looks younger than me.

Pro traveler tip: When being pulled over in England for accidentally turning right on red, “because freedom” is not an acceptable excuse.

I did this with my dog and my golf cart just a few hours ago. As someone else pointed out, it would take a 4 mile walk to tire out my lab, but a cart trip around the block does it in about 9 minutes.

75% of yachts in any marina will gladly be chartered out by their owners, without having to involve a third party.

After ebay fees, PayPal fees, and shipping fees, half the time I feel like I’m paying the person to take the item. Sadly, due to their constantly inflated pricing, anything worth less than $40 now just goes in the trash.

That $20k repair bill was probably not a bad investment, seeing as I’d never heard of this wheel company.

Stupid financial question:

If you park one next to a Ferrari 430, based on the reactions of people walking by, the Ferrari becomes practically invisible.

It’s unlikely that most Maserati buyers will even know the switches are shared, because they’ll never actually be in the source vehicle. Those who do know, won’t care because they didn’t buy the car for the switches.

I thought there was no spoon.

Exactly. When it’s time for me to upgrade my 2003 Lexus, I won’t even consider some second rate hack job like a Spyker. It’s Pagani or nothing.

I got this pitch for a 4k projector in Bellevue, WA just last week. At first I thought the guy was just messing around, so I jokingly complimented his white van. Apparently he was for real though.

A true hero.