
No, that’s not what he’s telling you.

What kind of awful people would own an organization and then screw over people so badly?

Could have been worse. You could have left off the last four words of your headline.

Remember when Elon Musk needlessly inserted himself into this affair by offering to design and build a useless airtight coffin and then followed it up by baselessly accusing one of the lead divers of being a pedophile? Good times.

what was the pitch for Oddibe McDowell’s water bill

There is no way Jizyah Shorts doesn’t win this.

Shout out to the ref for bumping the leg as he casually stepped over Nurkic.

Yeah, it’s only for a day. Think about the poor guys who have to spend their whole lives in Syracuse.

This is a guy who has used his “platform” to support a white nationalist and to amplify white nationalist distortion of Colin Kaepernick’s thoughtful and justified protest of police violence against African-Americans. He has plenty to be sorry for.

My morals and my soul were shaped by the most wonderful woman, the love of my life, who I was blessed to have as my partner for 50 years.”

Without the books, the show has been lacking ripe, pulpy, quotable dialogue. It’s mostly been moving objects around. Tough to come up with a memorable line from the past two seasons save for “Hold the door!”

“That suggests something of a reversal: Game Of Thrones isn’t just telling the rest of Martin’s story before he can finish it himself; the show is doing it better than he could.”

ESPN 30 for 30 presents: Three Tugs and a Cloud of Dust: The Manipulation of Robert Kraft 

The (only) great high school athletic achievement of mine was successfully pulling a hidden ball-trick from second base. I played 2b and if someone stole second my SS would approach the runner and kindly let him know the umpire had called a foul tip while I mimed throwing the ball around but kept the ball in my glove,

Many did!

Bills fans this morning are destroying property, calling Brown racial slurs and drunkenly getting into fistfights so, you know, you can just imagine how they’ll react when they hear about this.