Sure, because people are always either all good or all bad. That's just science.
Sure, because people are always either all good or all bad. That's just science.
haha. Time off is the tricky part, isn't it? It seems to be mutually exclusive with money.
I can't even get my friends to help me move.
My favorite thing about Clueless is that it is by a MILE the best book adaptation of all time.
Yeah, we just meowed along with the West Wing theme until the very end, and then it became a doggy howl. We didn't really do this for out cats, though. It was just for us.
i think the word you're looking for is poverty. Poor people of all colors are more likely to drop out of high school and have more kids. the conviction rate is higher for poor people b/c they can't afford attorneys. i mean seriously, i grew up in The Great White Rich Suburbs of (insert any city in the US here) and all…
No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were:
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore…
David Bowie's passport gives me a Major Tom.
There's a third video.
Human aggression and aggression towards other animals are two entirely different things. I do agree that pits are at a higher risk of dog aggression, because they have been bred for it. However, "higher risk" doesn't mean a dog is necessarily going to develop it, and a lot of other breeds that aren't considered…
Ha! "two peas in a dumb-idea pod" That is the best description ever. Sometimes I feel that way about my toddler + dog.
This comment is a mountain of misinformation. ALL dogs are individuals and should be treated as such.
I was actually really looking forward to finding out how they were going to manage to spell "Blue Ivy" with a "K."
that made me cackle! My friend tries not to swear around her 7-year-old, but obviously it happens sometimes. She said the first time he swore he was in the backseat of the car and couldn't get the buckle to work and muttered "fucking hell" to himself. She had to take a deep breath and collect herself before turning…
I literally felt my heart swelling in my chest as I read this question.
Me too. My oldest sister started running a few years ago, and there is no better expression of how much I love and support her than standing at mile marker 11 of her first half marathon. My husband and I jumped and screamed and did cartwheels for her, and she told us later it was what got her to the finish line. We…