I didn't say it wasn't.
I didn't say it wasn't.
That may be my new life motto :-)
I really thought I did want to take my husband's name — it's half the length, closer to the beginning of the alphabet and I too don't have fond memories of being my father's daughter of my siblings' sister. But I guess you sign enough check and it starts to grow on you :-)
I was listening to a fascinating story the other day about engaged couples where they both have hyphenated last names and have no clue what to do. I don't know where to even begin in navigating that one.
I am still Mrs. Husband's Name to his family. I decided to just not care.
Holy cow, I wasn't aware that Men's Health was read by Neanderthals.
It inspired me ... to open up another bag of Cool Ranch Doritos.
Has it gotten worse since the redesign? Would anyone be able to tell because it's impossible to find anything that isn't a new article?
I've been waiting ALL DAY for the Jezebel response. I knew as soon as I saw the headline that it would end up here.
Ugh. I am so so sorry. That sounds horrible and I would have cried hot rage tears well before the 6 month mark. Your boss is an ass.
OMG, I had a coworker like this. I ended up re-reading all of the stuff she was supposed to approve for the actual content, since she could only add commas and ignore the larger ideas we were supposed to be presenting. She got fired after a year. I can't believe it took that long.
I worked for this guy http://gawker.com/5844681/pr-fir…
Happiness for me is having something to look forward to. I try not to take it too far — like planning a vacation while we're on vacation. But I am definitely a "what's next?" type.
Totally - love those witches!
I have noticed this too in hiring - the children of high-achieving parents are frickin' clueless about how the rest of the world works. So I'm glad for them that their mom and dad taught them everything about hiring, firing and motivating a team, but I'm just looking for someone to do data entry, OK? There is so much…
Totally. Reading > Not Reading.
I wish I had known that before I tried to zoom on screen and ended up with a massive headache from squinting. But still - worth it!
Maybe she's evolving? Her comment about not needing NAACP awards seems to be in direct conflict with the realization that people of color are still blocked out of "mainstream" entertainment, higher education, etc., etc.
Not unless they are close enough to share other things, like food and bodily fluids. I'm totally with you.