There’s no logical reason to do this instead of an LS swap and that’s what makes it perfect. I need this.
Headlines lost to history: “Russian, Japanese Forces Decimate Poles”
I can’t begin to count the number of times I’ve heard this, from men and women, young and old: “I’m not into cars, but I love Top Gear.” If it didn’t serve as a gateway drug for cars, it at least helped the normals understand us enthusiasts a little bit.
When did Piers Morgan become a Top Gear producer?
I can see the headline now
Thank you Ford, for bringing these to the attention of the American car-buying public and equipping almost all of your vehicles with them.
I might as well wait for those comments; I'm already waiting for the turbos to spool.
"Speak softly, and reveal a Ford GT."
Well, it's a car meant to save the world. Which it doesn't.
So it's exactly like the original!
Summer divorces mean fall Porsches