Rides towards the night

When I was little my older brother had read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and was trying to explain to me how Ford and Artur got districted by sofa and missed the ground. I was convinced this was a true fact so a friend of mine and I were jumping off a ladder, trying to get distracted and 'miss the floor'.

Good one! When I have kids and they ask too many questions I'll send them to you!

Yes! Translator suggested this as well, but just in case I went for the most obvious one :)

I'm very naive so as a kid I was convinced about many things (especially by my older brother). I also had an active imagination and try to find logic for everything and did a lot of experiments to determine whether my beliefs were true. Apparently, I'm a crappy scientist as I believed in:

I literally ROBLed*! The explanation is the funniest thing on this tread.

Well, the CAN occupy the whole internet.

I want to be that baby in the middle!

If I'm not mistaken, South Africa has the highest rape rates in the world.

Can't see it in my area :( I looks so interesting!

I'm responding to say that what you said is so well-thought that I have nothing to add and I absolutely agree!

Uh, I had ants in a trash too. They loved wax (for leg hair) as well. I don't think my dad or brother noticed that one week a month our ants migrated from kitchen to the bathroom (and then back? yuck!). Unfortunately, I forgot what was my solution to this.

Thank you for saying this. Co-sign.

My score with myself (based on comments here) is 0.88 - what does that mean?!

I'm so disappointed by Jezebel's articles on Occupy. There was not one article discussing the point of the movement. I'm not saying that the problems shouldn't be discussed, but from Jezebel's articles one could only deduct that Occupy movement is a bunch of idiots gathering and encouraging assault. And even the

I must disagree. I don't know how it is to live in USA, but 1-year paid maternity leave, low at-birth mortality rates etc. are things that make women's lives better. I do think many things on the list are a bit off, but I wouldn't be so fast to dismiss European countries.

It's OT here, but I'm puzzled by your comment. I'm coming from a country that has a large percentage of atheists and I would say the majority of population is non-practicing catholics. So religion is present but it's not so big (not many people would use arguments like "in the Bible it says..." when it comes to

*Western Europe

Thank you, that's what I meant.

Sorry, I see that I misplaced "that"; I meant what Jan74 said.

How is that appropriate for a minister to tweet in ANY occasion?!