
I do not find Mia Farrow's graphic illustration of the destruction of their family due to Woody Allen cheating on her with her teenage daughter to be as shocking as the actual destruction of their family due to Woody Allen cheating on her with her teenage daughter.

So, this person tries to make a post explaining how sometimes people can be ignorant without purposely trying to be an asshole, and if you explain things to them nicely they are most likely going to be happy to listen; and you go and respond like this:

Do we really need all the vitriol? Like every single person who is not up on trans culture and terminology, Morgan (and more likely, the guy who creates the graphics) conflated gender with sex. Mock could have taken it as a moment to be an ambassador for trans people and used the show as a platform to teach Morgan

Sorry, it is bullshit that the descendant of a slave owner has some special requirement for apologizing for slavery. It is double bullshit when that person is a celebrity. It's triple bullshit when you have living plutocrats actively oppressing living people, right fucking now.

"It features Daria Werbowy looking very Moss"

From the title I was seriously expecting that they cast a blonde white lady in the role.

Cultural or religious practice or not doesn't excuse it, it is child abuse.

Fuck this. Fuck all of these posts. Fuck them all. Really, Jezebel? How many fucking posts do we need today about how Macklemore shouldn't have won, how KL is the shit and should have won, and how Macklemore only won because he is white?

I wish there was someone writing for Jezebel who actually had a basic understanding of photography and the process of retouching because no, they just balanced the whites.

This is my biggest question with the internet-wave of anti appropriation in the last year or so. I'm down with the cause, but I can't get behind the idea that it's all or nothing.

"a game I pretend to be into whenever I want to make my boyfriend feel "understood.""

You say that like it would be less of a reason to love, and not more...

It's not enough that Matt Smith ruined the Doctor... now he has to go ruin Sherlock as well? UGH! Why are some things that Moffat does so good (the doctor dances, most of sherlock) and other things so awful (almost all of Doctor who since he took over as show runner). #nerdproblems

These pictures are horrible. I know they're trying to be artsy, but it looks like someone doesn't know how to work a flash.

Oh please stop being silly - no one knows what ethnicity Cleopatra was. Any colour person can convincingly play her, one isn't more right than the other.

The metric system America, it's useful and sensible and the rest of the planet uses it. Just a suggestion.

Her arrogance astounds me.

As a family member once said to my mother, "you must not be from the Internet."

You had me at X-files on VHS

Sooner or later you are going to have to face reality and go see it, too.