Something tells me Asgardians would drive a Volve, or maybe a Saab.
I'm not that bothered that they are growing up superfast. Are they younger the books? Sure, but I don't think it will damage the story telling. Sansa is very much a teenager growing up, exchanging naivete with increasing cunning. Arya won't have to pass as a boy much longer so boobs are not that big of a problem. The…
What makes me uncomfortable is the pictures Jez chooses to show in the maghag articles. Invariably they are the juicy ones, the too skinny, too fat, too wrinkly, photos. The text will condemn this sort of journalism but the photos are still sensationalized. Creating a weird paradox, 'look at the evil magazines…
AHA! It's just a cousin, not a prince then.
Now I'm a rebublican when it comes to the monarchy, but I'm still pretty sure that ain't a Dutch prince. Now I'm going to have to fall into a Google hole. Be right back.
Being Dutch I was actually simultaneously also interested in the answer.
Link doesn't work I'm afraid.
Dutch Prince?
I've seen this GIF before and while I have no idea what the context is, it is AWESOME. So useful.
So ear maggots, not brain maggots. Still gross but an important distinction.
I'm a big ass animal loving vegetarian and think ivory should not be used anymore but you don't go around destroying art. I'll probably inherit some kick ass netsukes from my gran and I will be keeping those.
I'd wear it. A large part of me feels the need to dress like a Renaissance painter.
Do, what I wouldn't do. Damn you Kinja.
Appledore in the last episode of Sherlock. What I would't for an giant inside garden thingy.