I agree with this — having the sort of perfect body that can only come from deliberate and obsessive gymgoing betrays a self-obsession that I can't get down with.
I agree with this — having the sort of perfect body that can only come from deliberate and obsessive gymgoing betrays a self-obsession that I can't get down with.
In addition to being afflicted with BRF, I also suffer from Unintentionally Sarcastic Voice. It is a legit problem when I try to praise my students.
That is a bomb sofa. If I had $24,000 to blow (and if $24,000 wasn't an obscene and disturbing amount of money to waste on weird furniture instead of, say, retirement, or a down payment on a house, or charity, or paying off my college loans in their entirety), then I would absolutely buy that sofa.
So... is this actually really fucking funny, or is it more like Bridesmaids "We must all find this really fucking funny because it is IMPORTANT for WOMEN" funny?
For those of you who like a little science with your advice, here is what the Mayo clinic has to say on the subject:
It shouldn't cost anything to adopt a child. Seriously- as long as the parents pass all checks and go through whatever classes are necessary, why should they have to pay? It will cost the government way more to keep that child in care for 18 years than it would to cover the adoption costs.
What I love is how gleeful American guests are when they realise that it's not nearly so restrictive and they can drink, swear, and tell off-colour stories. Their real personalities come out and they are just the greatest guests ever because they're like kids in a candy shop!
As a scientist/ future med student, I'm trying to really understand how one should approach this issue. Where I studied originally, there was little discussion of SJ and only now, have I had a chance to investigate it further. To my understanding, 'abelism' is basically saying that being 'able' is the norm and any…
I'm sorry if this is offensive, but in the technical sense isn't that kind of true? I mean hearing impairment is due to some kind of damage, which implies that some bodily mechanism is broken. Do you mean that you hate how people assume that deaf people are also cognitively impaired? Because I also hate that…
"Why not update the post, leave the link intact, leave the hundreds of critical comments below it intact, and apologize sincerely for the decision to commission and publish the photos?"
If the rate of infection/healing of this procedure is better than what's out there, why focus on the cosmetic to begin with? If it's better for a woman's health and well-being with the added bonus of scarring less, what's the issue?
This girl is a friend of mine. People commenting on her looks, really? If she were a man, would her looks be an issue? Also, you do realize that her entire house was wiped out. She doesn't exactly have a lot of access to makeup and such to look put together for a CNN interview in front of tornado rubble. She's a good…
Would you prefer a vegan zombie?
Sorry, I cannot sleep at all with socks on. It's like wearing clothes to bed for me.
Off topic further still, but the shipping forecast is my silver bullet against insomnia. It somehow works like an incantation ("Viking, north at zero, south at zero...") to summon sleep. I hope it's working out for you—and if not, that Five Live gets sorted soon.