"I don't like something so clearly there is no redeeming qualities possible, allow me to show my inbecility by sharing my opinions on the Internet"
"I don't like something so clearly there is no redeeming qualities possible, allow me to show my inbecility by sharing my opinions on the Internet"
I'm literally every one of those things she described.
Bet it gets patched and condemned by both companies...
Easily, I got it from amazon digital for $22 a couple months back. Can't wait for Gaben to make it rain, though.
"oh look, another friggin xbone article..."
They're great aren't they? Sorry, did you need it gone to make room for another GTA article?
Who fucking cares.
Ah. The great debate of Pokemon Remakes.
I remember when Diamond/Pearl came out, there was TONS of evidence that a Gold/Silver remake was in the works. If you used an Action Replay there was even location data for Johto for your Pokemon's capture information.
But then people were STILL in denial.
We've gotten remakes for nearly every older Pokemon game...except for third gen, Ruby and Sapphire. It's not for a lack of passionate fans, though—so passionate in fact, they're willing to read into anything that might confirm a game they love is being made.
I think the only outrage will be from non-asians speaking for asians. At most, it'll probably illicit an "ehhhh, silly gweilos/hakujins"
That guy in the panda suit is making bank from these girls' parents.
It says "provide his PS4 free of charge." It's a free system.
You guys literally just posted an article about Iwata's interview where he said there are NO plans for smart phone games, and now you're going to hint at the notion that it might, *gasp*, come to smartphones.
This. I laughed after reading "but if you're a regular Joe who would only use this kind of thing to give Nintendo more money"