What a fucking dork you are, man...Social Justice Avengers. Adjust your hat, neckbeard, and venture forth from thy parent's basement. Breath that fresh air. Take a hit from your asthma inhaler. Now relax because it's just a comic book.
What a fucking dork you are, man...Social Justice Avengers. Adjust your hat, neckbeard, and venture forth from thy parent's basement. Breath that fresh air. Take a hit from your asthma inhaler. Now relax because it's just a comic book.
A 4chan term. That should probably be all that needs to be said about the people who use it.
This is exactly how the Ess Jay Double-yew indoctrination begins. You cone to a gaming site thinking it's about games and then all of a sudden, BAM! you're like, "what is this!? These aren't patch notes or a scored review! Why are my horizons being broadened!?" And the next thing you know you're dyeing your hair,…
"As of right now, it has been over four years since my husband has been able to perform oral sex on me. And it hurts and builds resentment when you turn to the person lying in bed next to you, try to initiate sex, and you get rejected. Over and over again. Then that resentment spills into other areas. "
The reason people dislike cheating is because of empathy. They are empathetic to the person unknowingly getting cheated on.
Just from some of the quotes from her side of the story, I can see that it's almost certainly not a normal, healthy poly relationship
"Yeah, I think the fact that when he found out they didn't just call it quits and they found a way to make it work for both of them was particularly beautiful."
Technically kind of a relevant point.... The subject point is pregnancy after all. True, would likely fit better in a subject directly discussing abortion, but still, the fact remains, at this rate, it won't be an option for women except in a video game, and if you're pregnant and 14, you'd likely consider an…
Gonna need flight sticks? I'm gonna need a new computer before Star Citizen, let's be real.
This statement reminded me of an episode of the podcast Song Exploder I listened to recently. The song was "The Commander Thinks Aloud" by the band The Long Winters. The lead singer wrote it about the Columbia disaster. The last lyric of the song is "This is all I wanted to bring back to you," and he said it was about…
Bad thing: He killed a guy with a trident.
I would pay good money to watch one of those assholes crying for his mommy when the judge gives him 20 years in federal prison.
All swatters should be charged with attempted murder.
What reasons? My reason is that I'm very uncomfortable with how the game glamorizes "warrior cops".
I had a professor last year in my grad program who was teaching us ethics of psychology. One unit was focused on different kinds of multiple relationships, and the ethical problems and concerns that arise with multiple relationships. It's an especially sticky topic, considering my faculty adviser was also my clinical…
That sounds really hard, I'd rather just drink some tea and poop my way to healthy living