
I'm really glad this is the top comment, because so far there has been very little outcry about this DLC business, whereas if EA decided to sell off bits and pieces of its main storyline in DLC form there would be a huge uproar. Bungie has endless good will with the gaming media, apparently.

What a wonderful surprise! Despite being a great fan of The Lord of the Rings, I had hardly any interest in this title. But if this review is any indication, it really deserves more attention than it is getting, probably due to the huge commotion around Destiny. I haven't bought Destiny yet, and after the lackluster

I feel similarly the more I learn about Elite: Dangerous. I'm going to wait until they are all released to judge, but between Elite: Dangerous and No Man's Sky, I'm not sure I'll have room for Star Citizen in my life. After such a long lull for the space-sim genre, it is really wonderful to get to be choosers, though!

According to their FAQ, Elite: Dangerous will introduce both multi-player ships, as well as the ability to board other ships and do combat in first-person (in zero-G combat, even!) in later expansions, so I'd say yes to both of your questions. It's looking like Elite and Star Citizen are in direct competition with one

I'm sorry your comment is way down here, because it's a good one. I didn't buy into the hype, either, and decided to read the reviews before purchasing the game after a somewhat lackluster tour through the beta. It's well written comments like yours that let me know I should not regret my decision.

The only thing I feel is missing from this otherwise fair-minded and thoughtful review is a comment on the DLC. It seems abundantly clear that part of the reason the story is lackluster is because parts of it were saved for the expansions, which are not free. Apparently, $60 bought us an incomplete game, and now we

And yet, despite waiting to play it "as it was meant to be played", this review reads just like most of the others, levying the same praises and complaints we heard over and over again, just with more depth and thoughtfulness. Kotaku gave Destiny an entire extra week to show its A game, but it never delivered.

To be fair, Bungie has never claimed Destiny was an MMO, which only makes it stranger that so many people, including a few writers at Kotaku, defend Destiny's lackluster launch by saying all MMO's have lackluster launches.

But something feels off about giving a definitive judgement so soon.

The general populace, from what I've seen, seem to be right in line with the critics. I did not see a single point made in the reviews that I hadn't read a dozen times in comments on Kotaku already. Everyone seems to agree that the game is very fun, if sometimes a bit bland and overly grindish, but has some handy lessons and exercises for learning music notation, including rhythm values. has a free "drill" for practicing recognizing note durations, also. If you have an iPhone or iPad, check out Rhythm Trainer Classic.

That article also has a positive but fair assessment of Voyager's quality, which is refreshing.

I think this list is fairly good. I used it when I decided to re-watch Voyager for the first time since it aired, wondering if the bad taste in my mouth after its final episode was really a fair barometer of Voyager's quality. I am still disappointed by its finale (though nowhere as insulted as I was by Enterprise's

So, so many space sims. And it's awesome. I was just telling someone today how happy I was to be able to name three cool looking space sim games that are currently in development, and now I can add a forth. Ah, yeah!

Between this and No Man's Sky, I feel like I'm going to spend the next decade "in space". My only complaint with No Man's Sky so far is that it seems that you cannot have crewed vessels. Seeing a crewed ship like the Constellation class take flight in Star Citizen is a dream come true.

EA has stated they will support last-gen consoles til 2017, which I personally am happy to hear, because I have no intention of buying a next-gen anytime soon.

Why wouldn't it be my thing? Just cause I'm adult and male I can't want to feel like a princess every now and then...

Can you be more specific? In what way has this community been destroyed by simply asking everyone to be kinder to one another, even in disagreement?

By your reasoning, I should hang out with assholes because avoiding them would be the same as pretending the world is a better place than it actually is. I should not have to point out how bad this reasoning is.