
Oh yes, "little girl" I get a lot...from a certain female coworker whose son is the same age as me and still living at home (not that there's anything wrong with that).

Does being called "kiddo" really fucking bother anyone else? Like, I'm in nonprofit, I know it's a casual environment, but I'm a married adult of working age with a college degree, and this is far from my first job. To me it sounds like just another way to say "I'm not really taking you seriously."

YES. So all my clothing, makeup, important mail, hairdryer, and accessories piled on top of my empty chests of drawers; the stalks of the kale chips I made last night that were too chewy so I just left them on the paper plate on the counter; the empty milk carton and rotting head of cabbage in the fridge THEY ALL


I don't care if you're a tool or not, this clip is the best.

I've done some research on Native American culture and the no-bleeders thing seems more superstitious than religious to me, especially when you consider that many tribes' organization is matrilineal, that many tribes had no problem with female leaders, etc.. The prohibition of certain ceremonies while menstruating

I had a Hershey's Bliss milk chocolate in my mouth as I read this.

Okay, I had to go to the source and watch the video to even try and parse this out.

Not so much "great" as "frat boy." Seriously, you're not going to even warn me that the end is nigh? Then I really don't care what this does to your carpet, dude.

Thisssss makes me so much more appreciative of the $600 (only because he's repeatedly refused to allow his apartment to be remodeled) studio Mr. Wont and I are currently sharing in LA. It may be incredibly dingy and the oven may not work, but we do have a bathroom, and we do not have cars parked on top of our bed.

So, so gawjuss. All the gawjuss.

Honestly, it depends on the load. Sometimes it happens and you're NBD, down the hatch. And sometimes you're like, I was not prepared for this.

Just work out a way to add vodka and you're golden.

Recommended for "b-jibber."

This is the most perfect .gif comment that I have ever seen, and the anglophile in me is so happy she's smiling slightly with hands resting gracefully on my gloves and handbag.

Mr. Wont loves his Evian. I'll get it for him now and then when we go on a special hike, and I do's delicious.

I didn't see them...there's a fine line between "drunk enough to find The Bachelorette fascinating" and "too drunk to care about The Bachelorette." I crossed that line right after Chris proposed. But I imagine there was plenty of nutso to go around! Can't wait til January!

JUAN PABLO! JUAN PABLO! Desiree completely settled for the richest dude because he loves her more than she loves him and she's never had that and thinks that since she's also never had a relationship work out, that that must be why. BUT WHO CARES? JUAN PABLO, BITCHES.

I love weddings, love. them. It's fun to dance and chat with a whole bunch of people who have set aside this time to be happy and positive. I hope my enthusiasm for weddings makes up for getting married on a Friday which the thread to the right seems to think is THE WORST.

Wait so, does this mean no By The Numbers this week? Because we can't be throwing a Juan Pablo .gif party here, there are too many Negative Nancys.