
The small teaser thumbnail picture I clicked on had me going “okay, that’s the render, let’s see the cosplay... wait, that’s actually the cosplayer?”

This happened to me today - but without emojii...


Don’t worry. We’ll get both.

I’m going to be serious and say that this is just all around an improvement.

Can this be the result? Pllllllleassssse?

God damn talented girl. I effin’ love how she played Rey.

And good lord, she is so beautiful it PAINS me., you’re making me miss hovercraft racing games. F-Zero, Wipeout, Jet Moto, Quantum Redshift, I used to play those things to death when I was a kid.

I’m a bit biased here, but isn’t the Xbone controller more aesthetically pleasing then the ps4 controller? Something about the ps4 controller just looks wonky to me. M$ sure seems lacking when it comes to making consoles, but they nailed the perfect controller.

I found a higher res version

I agree. They tend to air the most disturbing shorts at 4am. This was done by the same guy who made “Unedited Footage of a Bear,” which is also very strange. It’s like adult swim thinks, “Hey, you’re up this late. How about never sleeping again?” Still, they’re all oddly compelling.

Easier to see in the dark.

Disagreed but promoted for use of butt

Come now, Darth Maul wasn’t the only good thing. I would respectfully add, the film score, “Duel of the Fates” in particular, the excellent ship and alien designs, the Naboo N-1 Starfighter being my particular favorite, and the pod race which I know a lot of people thought was stupid but if nothing else I thought it

It’s too bad that hardcore fans are not giving this game a chance. I know it’s vastly different than what we’re expecting from a Metroid title, but developer Next Level Games doesn’t deserve to be shit on like this. They have a proven track record with awesome collaborations and revivals with Nintendo, and MP

This. This also applies to you #bluelivesmatter d*cks too. Cops have always mattered.

They don’t want to create a negative atmosphere by having you dislike positive things in your friend’s lives paid corporate advertisements.

Here’s an idea:

Sorry for introducing you to fine art.