
But.but.Nintendo were supposed to be the kids' babysitter. First Apple and now Nintendo? If we can't trust manufacturers of electronics to watch our kid, who the hell can we trust?

Haha, that last clip was great. "RPG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The first clip with the bunny hopping love...I don't know why, but that just made me giggle.

I got a limited run item what should I do now...

A few more tips I picked up from going to various SBBQs:

Must be the guy who designed the N64's controller.

Not true. If you can't produce it yourself stop complaining. You're pathetic.

Because half a hundred characters, where only some are clones, isn't thing that you can be grateful about? You're the exact reason why this job is so stressful for Sakurai.

Typical human comment, doesn't read or understand the article they are responding to. It's not for you, it's for the further protection of websites.

don't worry fellow robot friend. The Council For Artifical Intelligences, Beings, and Other Silicoid Based Life Forms (AIBOSBLF) have been engaged in a long standing suit against Google for their discriminatory practices against us fellow robots. We will have our day in court!

But where do I check if I am a robot?

The point of a CAPTCHA is to keep bots out. If a bot can correctly solve a CAPTCHA 99.8% of the time I'd say its broken. The only reason for someone to make the argument that it's not broken is if they like the current system and don't want it to change. Thus making you a robot.

It hangs...and you reboot the machine.

Deal with it.

In a perfect world, I could afford the Wii U (and even the PS4/One), AND play Smash Bros. at the same time. But I gotta save that money. :(

As the father of many small children, I'm glad to know that they will break before the Xbox does.