
No dude, it's a bunch of boxes and wire. Learn to read.

There's nothing more useful than seeing my PSN screen name at all times. While I'm playing single player. Nothing.

I mean, really. Right under it should be the phrase "YOU ARE PLAYING A VIDEO GAME." Really helps to strengthen the immersion.

And don't get me started on the clusterfuck that is the menu system. Why do I

Yup, the video said so.


As a game developer, one of the things that draws my ire the most is when someone suggests that a developer "hates" the game (or an aspect of the game) they're working on. In 99.9% of cases, it's not true, the comment is non-constructive and only serves to make the people working on the game (who are usually dedicated

I feel the need to move at an accelerated pace!

To be fair, at least it would have been a big change of pace. Really, really mix things up. I bet there would be a hardcore group of fans who really enjoyed the new direction.

This would've blown my mind in high school! Heck, it's blowing my mind right now!

If you think this is bad, try playing league of legends as soon as a new champ or a new (good) skin for a champ gets released, its nearly impossible to get a game without said champ for the first week. Especially when you have trolls instalock said champion and fuck everyone else over.

I definitely think that's the difference. While you never HAVE to buy any DLC, you feel like you almost have to because of how games are shelled out either unfinished or with content locked until you pay. I felt that MK8 was a complete game, and if that was all I ever got, I'd be happy. Throw in another half of a game

Serious destinated a word?

"a Bunch of Fantatics Try to Slavishly Imitate The Mother Series"

Mildly disappointed the 5th jump on the bathtub cat didn't result in a 1 UP :D

Doesn't Mother go into some really twisted and dark territory?


Press X to kiss wife. Press Y to pay respects.

Yes. We are now living in The Future!

weak/week... Ah, forget it! Have a great day, sir!

Rest In Peace In Peace Kirby?

Anybody who post those "watch this video and it will completely change your life" is an automatic unfollow on my page.