
I need

All of this.

Still my favorite DS gif



if he was wearing sunglasses everyone in the room would have frozen to death, because it would be just too cool

I'm not great at pool, and neither is anyone I know. That said, a short story.

"Here's our new building where we won't be making Star Fox, Metroid or F-Zero either. Please Understand."

It's time to save Cocoon by blowing it up!

There's 2 things I'll always go easy for FF13, music and how it look (everything else was a freaking train wreck). Maybe when she judge a game, she put a lot of emphasis on the audio-visual aspect.

Why even make dolls if for accurate ordinary depictions?

No, I absolutely will suck at Oculus Rift games. I'm still working on those two red buttons and how they function on that nantindo thing.

Or you, who wastes their time writing a comment to a silly meaningless comment. Or me! Does nobody have anything to do???

Remind me to set you loose in a furniture store one of these days.

Nope. You are part of an elite team of super trolls that feel the need to click into and article, go straight to the comments, and proceed to tell everyone how you don't care about whatever that article is about... so... yay for you?

This is why I don't really care all that much for a second run. Like any sequel, it's going to try too hard to be like the first.

The guide you get when you go and work at Sony is:

Dark humor is the way it is. People die. If you can't make ease of an event to bring some light to it, to remove some of the suffering....well I guess I'm just not a person that wants to be shackled by the past, no matter what happened.