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How much do you wanna bet we'll see a part 2 of Youtube Reacts?

Two things SS did that were second to none: sword combat and music.

Holy shit, you really fucked up that comment. ^_^

Hello, I am Diana Styles, author of: "It's like, how much more dog in game can there be? And the answer is: None. None more dog".

And I fucking love these things.

I'm only thinking metaphorically something like this happened in the Nintendo Chain of Command.

So Smash Bros. has been region-locked to Las Vegas for the weekend, I guess. (This is me stealing my own jokes from Twitter, because you Kotaku readers deserve to see them, too.)

"Aw Christ, now I'm seeing drawings move across the wall! I'm never eating that witch's mushroom brew again...!"

Can't be, Nintendo is run by the Illuminati!

"I have literally never said nor thought anything of personal harm on another person."

Thank God, my phone has been ringing off the hook for weeks now.

After the titanic hit an iceberg.

And before Super Smash Bros, Captain Falcon was pretty much just a car...

You sure?

I believe it's just treasure hunters now. A bunch of people like Captain Olimar that just want to go exploit indigenous peoples for profit.

That's just... car crash excellent. It's like he's put 6 swear words into a randomiser with the word Sony and just typed whatever came out.

Okay? I honestly don't see why people give a shit. You like dudes? Ok. You used to be a woman? Cool. Your from Singapore? Dude I don't care. Shut up with your life story. I'm here to talk about vidja games!

Holy crap, where did all that chest hair come from, you manly man?

The Xbox One needs no one to watch it, for it is always watching you.

The family one is such bullshit. My family is gigantic. Like about 6 billion people. How am I supposed to choose which 10 to share it with?