
One of those baggage hadlers is actually Rich Kotite. Revenge is finally his.

I've been bein' ripped to shreds by the left-wing pinko newspapers out there.

I'll blow out something before I quit playing.

Pitch black and snowing somewhere in Pennsylvania. It occurs to me at this moment that Pennsylvania is the longest bleeping state in America. I actually love to drive, but it now feels like I have been driving for nine days. Woman is still sleeping or pretending to sleep. I feel very tired myself.

She berated me as a "piece of shit" and a "big fucking loser" along with a bunch of other random curses.

Pregnant women in Oakland McDonalds parking lots are still winless in their careers.

His brother Feng is looking forward to rearranging all the furniture in the team headquarters.

Whitlock is staging a sit-in at Oklahoma Joe's Barbeque until people recognize that Cam Newton is deserving of the Heisman or they run out of ribs, whichever comes first.

@blogsarefun: The guy played both ways at fullback and linebacker and averaged about 110 plays a game. Definitely a throw away vote for Heisman, but he did more than just 117 yards of offense.

When you win, say little. When you lose, say less.

@The_International_Poise_Conspi...: They serve Franch fries, Franch bread, Franch dressing, and to drink...Peru!

Yinka Dare's graph was just a dot.

His dong is actually wind powered, so those gusts gave his wife a solid 3 seconds of action tonight.

In his defense, that picture was taken at Milwaukee's finest French restaurant, Chez Lil Smokie.

Horrible Head Coach action figures. Now with king fu grip!

I think Cash Man is actually the Jewish version of Santa Claus.

Grave people debating is an accurate description of Al Davis and Ralph Wilson haggling over trade details.

That is the business side to where I'm not interested in.

The goal of the BCS is to get the Championship game correct. Thanks to Oregon and Auburn winning out, most (outside of Dallas/Ft Worth) would agree that they did this year. The other BCS games are pure entertainment purposes and I am sure the money making organizations involved would love to see good matchups,