Eccentricity can be tolerated
Eccentricity can be tolerated
Gone will be Joose
The kid from ASU was so embarrassed that when he got back to his dorm room, he barely had the energy to engage in a three-way with two blonde future porn stars.
Both are insufferable bitches.
You don't don't think I don't think they don't think about the bowl game?
Dexter Manley stole an X-Box because he thought it had his signature on it.
After the incident, Fernidand pleaded with the coach to Take Me Out.
When the judge read the news of their probation, Holt and Hill fired shotguns into the air, pounded a fifth of bourbon, and were promptly taken to jail.
Well, maybe he's not drunk, just living out the fantasies we all had as five-year-olds.
The twin dead-eyed abominations don't actually have names yet.
Two and a Half Men is a good way to describe LeBron, Wade, and Bosh's contributions to the season so far.
I am guessing Mr. Bruce's parents had a list of potential names that looked like this:
Citing Newton, police explained Conor Clapton's death.
The Strom Chaser was the Grim Reaper's nickname from abut 1990-2003.
@OnTheTwelfthNightOfLloydChrist...: Back atcha...not the +1, the "up your ass part"
Pseudo dong is the number 1 priority of the Vietnamese counterfeit task force.
PJ Carlesimo yelling at Spree ended with only some slight bruising.
Dan Snyder just signed that offensive coordinator to a 10 year $200M contract.
To make matters worse, Rewind decided to relax later in the afternoon by going shopping for some fine china and got kicked out of that store, too.
Hallelujah, boys, is that great or what?