
the call of homophobic duty

Freddie Roach apparently agrees

Jose Canseco set his own mop-up time record last night when he completed the entire 7-11 in less than an hour.

Apparently Indiana used its women's softball team against the Badgers today. Seriously, 83 points? Shame on you.

Pacman should know not to get Sue'd.

It's colon cancer awareness month. Tevez is just doing his part.

The spectator was Christiano Rinaldo and the ball actually hit the guy next to him.

The IRS is also known as Flavor-Flav catchers.

That's the worst Rampage I have seen since Ralph, Lizzie, and George destroyed those buildings and ate the guy taking a bath.

Off-key singing in unison.

not working terribly hard to find good shots

I am guessing he diversified his portfolio by putting some into t-bill, a portion into a mutual fund, a little into CDs, and then blew the rest on a "Bad Mother Fucker" tattoo on his penis.

Meanwhile, authroities at the Titty Garden are still searching for the man who kicked a hole in Destiny after she stopped her dance before "Closer" was finished.

All overreactions about the wielding of power should now make reference to North Korea.

Brett Favre says this is it, this is his last NFL season.

This is the most eloquent thing Eric Dickerson has ever said on camera.