I saw the headline and thought is was another DWOTW feature. Great to hear that Ax and Smash were not part of some horrible smokestack incident.
I saw the headline and thought is was another DWOTW feature. Great to hear that Ax and Smash were not part of some horrible smokestack incident.
They've all got one thing in common: they wanted to make things happen.
A-Rod recalled the story of his first encounter with Niehaus, when Dave told him "Hey kid. Your purple lips really creep me out."
Trust me, all it takes to get into Bristol is a couple of wine coolers.
What a waste of $100M.
@Lionel Osbourne: Unfortunately, it was from Meggett's attorney, TrIfLiN_Ho, esq.
Meggett refused to talk. Unfortunately, his forehead is so big the police could see what he is thinking.
In Sports Illustrated for Old People, their NBA preview issue featured LeBron as Benedict Arnold, Wade as Thomas Jefferson, and Bosh as Crispus Attucks.
As long as the I-Team is on it, please find out how Lorne Michaels got into the locker room.
There is also a book coming out about the UPN's early days that is said to inclde the legendary orgy involving Richard Grieco, Patrick Stewart, and the girls from Sister Sister.
Ladies don't die sickly comic deaths
@Body By Bacardi: Much better.
That player's name? Toby Reynolds.
I run REALLY fast for an old fart.
I called, but Jose cut me off and said he had some pizzas to deliver.
Someone's lying, but regardless, it's clear the SEC didn't begin to seriously look into this until it hit the media.
I've Got a Good Feeling About This
Jessica Coen: The JDaters' Wet Dream
Sydney Sam was Yosemite's cousin from down under and was an incredibly racist Aboriginal stereotype.
Models are so stupid.