
The kid behind Reid is actually a 17 year old Doug Flutie.

Stevie Wonder, Anne Frank, and Helen Keller would combine to play the longest game of hide and seek in history.

Tape an aspirin to your helmet and you go back in," McMahon told us.

"Iowa Fucking State" is how Larry Eustachy lists his years in Ames on his resume.

@Always Winning: RichRod has some splaining to do after the Forcier decision. Unless Robinson is hurt or banged Mrs. Rodriguez during the 3rd quarter intermission, no way do you sub him out.

@Always Winning: 800 yards of offense and there is a quarter and a half The Michigan WR Roy Roundrtree has already set a school record for single game receiving yards.

Minnesota female hockey fans are encouraged to enter "burqa contests".

I remember the first time I went to the Oakland Coliseum and got stabbed.

That's just his patented move: The Third Leg Drop

I am waiting for the NBA story about Chris Kaman donating his hair to Villanueva in the Locks for Love program.

I haven't seen that many balls thrown into buckets since the local testicular cancer doctor had an extraction marathon last summer.

The parent was obviously taking a dive.

I am glad we don't used that method here because Brett Favre would have definitely been identified as a halfback.

She is doing "I have herpes" in sign language.

Their tiny little fists of fury.

Well, we are smarter than all of you. I suppose we do have to suck at something as a sort of consolation prize to make your miserable existences seem more worthwhile.

Meanwhile, Donald Sterling has said he will spit Loogies on his chef if his burger is even slightly overcooked.

I was waiting to hear what the bums were thinking.

No one ever said the fans, not even a season ticket holder for 50 years, were expected to grasp the nuances of the sport as business.

When he believes he is right on a topic, God help the person he