
Meanwhile, Spinal Tap referred to as Sham Rock.

@David Hume: Your muse is definitely Favre's weenie.

Shoot for The Stars is also the comedy troupe of Booth, Chapman, and Oswald that is taking hell by storm.

she removed the porcelain lid of the toilet tank and used it to smash out the window

@Lionel Osbourne: That was actually the Tiger Woods flavor that didn't hit the market. "Great Before Sex With Hookers" was the promo.

@Walk Off HBP: Is there such a thing as a bad AIDS comment?

According to the picture, about 330 lbs.

"Head koozie" is the rare sexual move when a girl gives a beej with cotton balls in her mouth.

"Between-periods amusement" is the 28 days a month I try to keep my wife from yelling at me.

After an incident on the Razorback radio show, the host had to cut off a caller by snipping the twine connected to the tin can Houston Nutt was holding.

just ask Robin and Gretch

Former Tight End and current Split End.

This is the worst thing to happen to a Gus since the field goal kicking mule came down with hoof and mouth disease.

Pablo Sandoval learned to swing as a child by using a turkey baster filled with gravy that he would eventually get to drink if he made contact.

The Beecher Report was Harriet's newsletter on the safe houses and underground railroad depots.

"Sad Pistons" was going to be the team's marketing campaign as a sequel to the "Bad Boys" teams of the late 80s.

@Dolla Dolla Bill: How do you think the Sacramento Kings are getting people to come to Arco Arena?

@David Hume: +1. Off to a great start today.