
"American masterpieces of the crappiest kind" was actually Rolling Stone's review of Magary's Jambaroo columns.

The Pirates have a similar old man who loves the team, but his sign sez "We Are Going to Suck Forever!"

"Jack" is actually Sikma, and amazingly the Supersonics' GM had the exact same notes.

@sweatingmullets: Vin Baker does a one person Stag's Leap dunk that involves him falling over and passing out.

the loss of defensive captain DeMeco Ryans...the Texans' mix-up during the pregame coin toss and what ensued after that blunder.

Chief Kickingstallionsims is still basketball's best Shaman.

Karen Sypher thinks this is slightly less moral than having a partial birth abortion.

The Year's Best Merkin went to Mark Herzlich.

That is the worst Andy Warhol painting ever.

I am more concerned about his tiny left hand.

Drinking is WAY better.

I blame the Magic Bullet for this tragedy as well. The guy had been drinking blended margaritas which he made by simply pushing down on top of the device.

I thought UC Santa Barbara nailed it 20 years ago when they had Sean Penn come out as Spicoli and blow a massive bong rip with the student body at a homecoming rally.

Julie Moss thinks Yao needs to fight through the embarrassment of the stool.

Not to be outdone, Japan put together a claymation version that was much more graphic.

The Other Side is Blind was going to be the true life story of Kirby Puckett.

@UkraineNotWeak: Ezekiel was so big, I couldn't walk for 40 years!

The MIT story is much easier to read than Ms. Owen's because those brainiacs just boiled it down to the binary scale.